Friday, July 18, 2008

Just Do It

Mind Power

Hello Buffs,

Did you know that the human mind is very powerful? Yes, it is very powerful. The mind is one of the things that make us humans. Many scientist are still discovering the capacity of the Human mind. Well, i have to say that God don't reveal the secrets of the human body very easily. Is the same with the human gene, every time that scientist think that they got a answer in end the answer is change. i think God doesn't want to reveal anything to us. If He does, it might be the end of the world, or when we die. Anyway back to the topic about the human mind. Like i say it is very powerful. So powerful that it can even create new personality. So powerful that if you put our mind in to it, you can make your body 2 or 3 times stronger(this is proved by scientist around the world). Thank God for such a powerful mind we have.

Sometimes i think that the mind is like equal to our faith, mind = faith. You know why? Is like putting your mind or focus on God and lets say you ask for something. Then God creates something for you to have in end. But He doesn't give to straight away. He builds your faith in Him 1st then only you will be rewarded. Your faith is by your mind being set on God focus. and we should be focus on Him. Anyway, the human mind is quite tricky to deal with. You have or must understand your mind. For me, if i want to get things done. i think of 'i must' or 'i will' not 'i try'. For me, i have to use the correct words to get things done. And it proved for me. Well, i did a small experiment on this thing. This experiment you have to do it with another person. 1st you have to close your eyes, think of nothing and don't focus on anything. Just close your eyes. next you will be ask to rise up your whole hand. make sure it is straight. Your eyes still close. then the experiment begins. your friend will use only two fingers or one finger also can not three fingers. And he using two finger is to push down your whole hand and you forcing your hand up at the same time. Your friend doesn't need to close his eyes. If you cannot force your hand up, he wins. then now you use the words i gave like will, must, shall(this words are positive words). Use any of the three words. your eyes still close. focus on the word, put it in your mind. example i must be strong, my hand is strong. keep focusing on it. then your friend doing the same thing. using two fingers pushing your hand down. and you forcing it up. if he can't pushing it down, you win. trust me, if you set your mind to anything, you can surely do it accurately and fast.

Our mind is wonderful gift from God, i have been doing this longterm experiment. Is telling my mind not to be forgetful. Well, i have to say that i forget less then last time. i remember things better. Cause i train my mind to not forget. i may forget things here and there but it is less. The human mind. My newest experiment is to dunk. i have been training a lot and training my mind also. i tell my mind a lot of things in fact. Everyday i psycho myself that i'm healthy and strong and grow tall. Hehe...i know many say that you stop growing in this age. Well, i take it as non-sense. i'm still telling myself that i'm still growing tall. I believe i'm growing slowly. =) Think about it. Our mind the most powerful gift from God.

yours mindfully

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