Today is even longer than any other day i have. And it was quite suck too. I hate being late to events or anything that requires time in it. Today there was a computer assessment test for all freshmen. Which is okay at first than it has to turn ugly.
So all of us are required to wake up early for the test which is 745am must be there at the main campus. So i got up very early to get ready and all. First ugly thing was that many of us can't eat breakfast at our inn cause the cook told us that we can't for some reason. So some of us end up waiting for the bus. Thank God that i ate a bit of stuff at my room.
The second problem is that the bus come late. Like really late. The earliest bus was suppose to be like 650am. But it didn't come. the next bus is like 720am, also didn't come. it come at 740am. And the journey to school is about 10 minutes. So all of us international students went there late for the test. But i thank God again, cause the test gives were understandable why we were late. So we manage to sit for the test.
The test is to test us on how to use Microsoft office stuff. And it was Microsoft office 2007 which i know a bit. But the test is so so so so so hard. Really hard. Nearly whole class fail. i know a few pass like a hand full. Which is crazy. Thank God there is a retake for all of us.
After that we have to rush off to another seminar. Another orientation for internationals. And it took 7 hours to finish. crazy. from 630am i wake up to 430pm in the day was just plain crazy. And it is a Saturday. Where we are to rest but no no no. Everyone was like falling a sleep. I tried my best to stay awake the whole day. crazy. The orientation was about health insurance and what is this and that, the means and so on.
Then at night our dinner, we went to celebrate a friends birthday. Is one of our ambassador, so we went to a place that is all-you-can-eat-pizza for just 5bucks. Here are the pictures...
Later we went to our school basketball game. Which is really cool. My school join the NCAA division 1 which is the highest rank. But our school not bad. You can't compare it to Duke or UCLA or top rank basketball teams. Ours is like not top 10 maybe around 12 or 15. So here are some of the pictures i took...
So now is train hard to get into the team =)
Came back like a zombie. Went to my room, shower. Then did some emailing. Then the guys later pull me out to play ping pong and just chill around the recreation room. Going to sleep now. So till then nighty night
Sole of the shoe
Sole of the shoe