Feeling much better already. Thanks to the medication that i receive from my doctor. I have to meet him tomorrow to check up on me. Whether this is going into a good direction. Some times sickness can be misleading, you may be healthy the next few days then BANG you are back to sick again with a stronger virus. So the doctor just checking up on me.
My body is so weak now that walking up the stairs is tiring. Or doing any work is just pain and tiring. Once I'm 100% healthy, going to work out. Looks like my mission to dunk is not going according to plan. Cause i miss so many days without training. Look like i have to do it in America also. I miss training. I miss my jumpshot, my lay up, and moves. Miss basketball.
Been reading a book on 'Building a Successful Character' is a very good book. i know I'm the type that can't really read books. But I'm forcing myself. i finish 2 chapters. A new leap for me. Can't tell you much. But what i know if you want to gain a new character is patience.
Anyway, I'm feeling very tired and need to rest some more. Still not well. recovering.