Fun day today. Got up like 11am. Today was like our dorm basketball match. Where we all went to the sports center to play basketball. Every Saturday we got some kind of game that our dorm plays.
We played till i think like 2pm then we went to lunch which i was so so so so hungry. We went to one of our cafes in the school. Yea, besides the dining hall, there is other food stores around campus. Like McDonalds, KFC, and so on. But there this store that is more famous then McD or KFC which is Chic-Fil-A. This store just sells chicken burgers or nuggets. So i ate it, and is okay but i still love McD =)
After that we all went to ice skating. Yea, yes i don't know how to skate but many of us international students don't know. So i had a hard time and many falls learning to ice skate. But it end up, quite a fast learner, i manage to ice skate. YEEAAA!!!! still slow, but will learn to skate better next time. Oh i forgot to take photo. Sorry, but i will take went we go again.
Hang around the sports center to play Call of Duty 5. Which is new for me. Played it on a PS3 which is cool but sucks cause i can't control my guy. Hate playing first person shooting game on a console, prefer to play on computer. hehe.
About 7plus we went to the basketball match. In the Vines Center. And it was super pack. I think is one of our rival school. So this match is really intense. The game was super super close also. We went to double over time. We end up losing which is a sad case. Cause our school was close to perfect with hardly any loses. If you are a basketball fan. Our school plays in the Big South. You know Big East and Big West. Yea, if you watch college basketball, you would know. So if you want to catch us, download the Big South games, our school is called Liberty Flames. Here are some pictures...
Now back the dorm. Going to do my laundry. So till then nighty night.