Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Clean Out


Feeling much better now. My fever is gone, a bit of sore throat. But over all my body seems fine and better then last last time. Didn't get to see the doctor today cause my parents are not around and i have no car. So i have to wait for them to come back.

Anyway, it appeals that i have rashes on my leg, the inside part of my thigh. It just appeal there. I'm not sure what is the main course of this rash. I think it is scurvy. It could be, cause of lack of vitamin C. Getting to much drugs has been a tol on my body.

Beside all this bad news about me sick and all. I'm doing fine. Been watching a lot of movies. Oh yea, my computer crash again. Hiaz...i better get a hard drive fast. I miss watching two episodes of gossip girl. I miss. I so want to watch it. I miss the episode 8 and 9 of season 2. And i miss my transformers series. Bad computer. Why must you crash.

Pretty boring day. Time for more rest.

Box in,