Monday, June 29, 2009

Mingle with You and Me


Sunday. There wasn't many youth on Sunday because many of them are still at the TCM giving their all to raise funds. I came to Church and saw that the Church was quite a mess with chairs not arrange properly and sounds system a bit off.

All of it was quite easy to do, no worries there. =) Sunday Worship and Word was filling. Simple enjoyed God.

Went for lunch with the brunch of Young Adults and some youth.

Come back home for some delighted rest till it was time to play basketball.

During basketball was somewhat alright. Didn't do well but you know me always pushing myself to be the best. Had a small talk with Philip and he said some many truth for me to decide.

Now, i have to think a lot.

Around 8pm, i went to TCM to do the pack up of stuff. It was suppose to be fast and quick but it end up packing everything finish around 10pm.

Later again went to Murni for dinner. I ordered the supper set again and it came quite fast to my delight. Really enjoyed it. Yum....

At Murni the brunch of us youth did some small talk that cannot be reveal here or by mouth. hehe.

Monday, day of rest for me, so till then nighty night.

Got me,