I nearly slept the whole day but my roommate wake me up by like 1pm. Today was a big day for all Liberty students or LU students. The big event isn't anything to do with the church but more of a sport event. It is American Football game today. The season for the college American Football starts today. I was quite hype up for it because i never see a real American Football match.
Around 7pm was the match but my dorm friends wanted to go early because we were doing some else too. We all got together to have a barbecue or tailgate party(american say that). It was all fun man. The school place was pack with people like seeing all red(our school color). Super pack. Americans really do like their American Football.
here are some photos that tells it story. Without today's game, my day would be boring.
This van is helping people to stop vangelism everywhere. I wrote on the van to prevent the cause. =)
The game was quite fun to watch because of the many touchdown i get to see. =) The problem with the game that there is to much rules to really understand it but my american friends manage help me out to understand it better.
In the end, our school won the game.
Okay can't wait for tomorrow. Sunday. Church will be awesome till then nighty night.
Good game,