Thursday, August 7, 2008

TOEFL test

Hey readers,

Well my test is in 2 days time, i'm being to be super stress over it, been studying here and there. This English test is the most hardest English test ever. Comparing with my school English test and TOEFL. Nothing come close to TOEFL. TOEFL is one, bad ass kicker, that will choke slam any other English test.

This test make me feel worse than SPM. Crazy la, i can't take it anymore, my blood is jumping in stress. Can't even sleep probably now. TOEFL is taking over me. AAAHAHAHAHHAAARRAARR!! When the test is over can i have drink? please, Two bottles 500ml of Coca-cola super chill in a glass cup chilled with ice inside, Please. is just to release stress, please. I will fast a extra week, please, please, please. My brain cells are so working hard man. they are like connecting new highways to each other. I want to get it over and done. Help me. AARRARAAAAAHAHAHARAARR!!!!!

Can't take it. Oh man after TOEFL, i'm going to college for the first time. OH my. I don't know the life of a college person, what to wear, what to eat, what floor, what books, what teachers, what girls or boys. AAAARRARARAARAAHHAHAHHAAHAH

All i can say now is pray for me. i want to do well, i want to go to US, i want please. my heart is pumping so hard. How to sleep. AARAARARRAARARAHAHAHHAHA.

From your hyper tension disorder guy,

One shot at Life
Make full of IT