Monday, every one most sleepy and blues day. Well my day was mostly alright. Pretty much enjoy it. Classes went smoothly. Just 4 more exams to go till school is over. i got Bible, Math, English and Kine exam. Math and Kine is easy. Bible and English is medium easy. It is intense thinking about these exams and studying hard for them. Doing homework after more homework. Making sure every homework is well done and excellence, so i can prove that is not me that i do but is God working in me that do these great work.
After classes went to workout. Good workout to release the tension and maybe stress in me. Looking at myself at the mirror, i think i have gain pounds and muscle but still look the same size. Maybe taller. Have to measure. hehe. Is really amazing that i see the changes of my lifestyle. I guess i'll be a whole different person went i get back. For sure I'm still crazy for coke, McD, Nike, and God. I think my character has been molded a lot, i tend to think more, take action more, and somethings has grown in is listening. Taking God more seriously, has taking me new levels that i can't imagine and is still guiding me through the process of my life.
i have been thinking a lot and asking a lot too, whether should i do another major in ministry? But what ministry, pastor? youth? worship? mission? the lists goes on. Also, have minor in sound(PA). i need prayer on this, would you guys pray for me on this. I will of course finish up my kines major but my consciences tell me to study more. you guys can comment or email on this.
Besides all that, today at convocation, is good of course but it was heart heating up. The theme for today was worship and it was good. It speaks so much. Will post later.
Anyway, i got to sleep now. Got to wake up early tomorrow to study and study and work hard. Till then nighty night.