Today i was just tired and energetic. Classes today was very relaxing but some are intense. So many things are due, thank God that i got some of them done and already 90% done with all of them. Now is just double checking my work to make sure it is in the prefect paper to present to the teacher.
Basketball for me, on the other hand. I'm have improve, not in vertical but a better player. Since people here like to play full-court. I think i have improve in my stamina, faking, moving without the ball and with the ball and also passes. Yea, people here like to pass a lot till one guy or guys are wide open to make a three or a nice lay-up or a horrific crazy dunk. Either one, everyone will make noise, if he makes it. Over here, the basketball players, they or i should say we hardly dribble anymore, is all passing. Dribble is to bring ball up-court or went your defender is playing loosely. And is more fun. So maybe I'm a different player went i get back or i just be the go-to-guy for scoring. hehe
Anyway, I'm quite tired now, going to sleep now. till then night night