Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hold Up!


It was a busy day for me. I had to bring down my computer to the IT department and give them a whole lot of anger at them. Trying to get them to fix the wireless connection at my dorm. So they told me that they will look into the problem.

After that i went to buy my books at the new bookstore. This year i had a whole lot of books that needs buying which i thought i don't need to buy. Oh well looks like after this semester i'm going to sell them. haha

My classes today was all really late like around 2pm to 5pm. Two classes. Bible and Psychology. Bible seems quite interesting that i fall asleep in class but the teacher introduce the Old testament survey in mind it register as i know this stuff because of Tung Ling bible school. So it might be easy for me. Big Smile. =)

Psychology was slightly tough. The thing was that there is a whole lot of reading and work to do. Well this is college for me. Hopefully i'll be able to balance the studies, gym, God time, and myself properly.

Anyway, tomorrow is going to be a long day for me. Class is going to really start, so till then nighty night.
