Wednesday, October 15, 2008



Is cool to mentor people. Cause the person listen to you, what you have to say about that topic. Is cool. today i got that chance to mentor two people. Which is Randall and Gilbert. What i teach them. I teach them about the PA system and Computer. Why I'm training them. Well they themselves volunteer for the position. And they are willing to learn. And i hope that they can be good and task-oriented people.

Their first lesson, learn how to use the computer. I believe that every kid knows how to use the computer, so the lesson was fast and easy. Hope they master it. They didn't ask any questions, so i think they know what to do and not to do.

I actually really like to mentor someone. But is the person willing to let me mentor that person. I don't want to force my teaching on a person. I want it to be like a relationship. I have been praying to God for long long time, to let me mentor one person. But i guess is not my time to in-part my knowledge to anyone. Maybe because no one sees me as a mentor yet. Still the silent-crazy monkey. Well, i really do want to mentor some one. I think God will give it to me some day. =)

Today i was thinking a lot, about the church and youth. Deep down in my heart, some thing in me speaks of a higher calling. Oh no Joel is going to be a Pastor....AAARAARRAARR!!! Well if it has to be then be it. God is calling me. Every time i think of leading the youth or Pastor the youth and see our church. Is tough. Can't imagine myself doing it. Looks like i have to pray about this. At the same time. Was think to bring the youth to experiences Orang Asli. Bring them into some where technology won't work. And live wild. But it has to be a small group like 12 people or less. Or maybe i get back from US. Orang Asli is always a experiences. Seeing people live without technology is cool. Seeing what they eat, how they hunt, how they worship God. Is just amazing. Bring people inside here, i can see their hearts melt and want to come back for more. I think also that it makes us stronger Christians. Is just amazing. But i ask Ps Mal about this, and he say that another church is going in already. So no point for us going in. Another time will go.

I have to master myself. Be master of my mind and body. and wait upon God to call me.

Thinking BIG,