Monday, March 23, 2009

Wishing to Much Out of the Pocket.


Things here are been great. Classes, people, and all. Classes today have been super busy because it is a Monday. I'm super fine here. Oh i keep forgetting that i should take pictures of spring here. Is beautiful and cold. Yeap, is still cold here even though the weather is getting hotter each day. And everyone here is loving the heat and finally able to wear just shirt and pants to school now.

Today at convocation(campus church), was alright. The sermon was inside-ful. The sermon was about Abraham sacrificing Isaac as a prefect offering but was stop by God. The sermon title was 'Is God enough'. The speaker told a dramatic story and well, yes it was heart deep-ing. It was very soul searching.

Classes are getting hacktic cause many people are graduting this semester and some continuing on and have to get ready for next semester coming up, Fall. Can't wait for Fall, let's skip Summer and up right in Fall. love it.

Anyway, got stuff to do and going to sleep also. So till then nighty night.

Did you know that we tend to carry unnessary baggage in our life.
Because we worry that we won't survive in this world.
So we carry access baggage which we some-what don't need.

Jesus wants us to give Him this baggage.
Why are you burdening yourself with this baggage.

It hurts your back and suffer. This is what Jesus Christ doesn't want.

God has taken care of the plans in your life.
Is just that you need to execute them
Whether you in line in God's purpose.

So give to Jesus Christ and He will take care of you.
He has given to us everything.

The ultimate give He gave us.

God loves you