Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday Snow Stupendous


Sunday, Church day. Besides church, SNOW!!! Yea, it snow again after so many day with hot sunny day then it snow. Well, Saturday was a rainy day. It rain the whole day from morning to night not stop. Rain rain rain, like that guy, Rain. hehe.

Anyway, so today it snow at around 11am. And it was a super blazed. Snow shower coming from every direction. Crazy. Here is some pictures of it...

Outside my room, snowflakes.
See the snow storm.
The sky is falling snow.
Many people say that this snow storm is really bad.
Couldn't play with the snow yet cause is not thick enough yet to make snow mans or make angels. But can make snow balls. hehe going to have a fight. hehe

So the school told us in advance that school is cancel for the whole day tomorrow. Yea, no school cause of bad snow storm. hehe. Yes, this snow storm is going to last till Wednesday. No school on Monday, awesome. Malaysia should have something like this. Like the weather today is too hot, so school will be closed.

Anyway, going to drink some hot milo and just see the snowflakes fall and just fall a sleep next to the heater. Till tomorrow nighty night.


Went a finger is pointing at you. And the questions is "God wants you to do great and mighty works for me". What is your reaction?

God loves you