Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Hello Readers,

The interaction between people are to be in love.
Rick Warren came to my school last semester. Just want to share with you in what he said to me. Enjoy


Lovely Affections Effects

Hello Readers,

Having a Good Valentine's Day?
I didn't really enjoy mine. I mean is great day. But the day have to be filled with exams. What bummer right...

Anyway, i wanted to post today mostly about Jesus Christ's love. His love is for ALL. Everyone. He loves you even before you are born and still loves you. This person went into great lengths for the love for everyone that He died on the cross for you and me. Amazing person.

Another video on a different note. Do you know Francis Chan? The writer of "Crazy Love." The book is really amazing. If you have the chance to read it do it. Well the video is when he came to my school. Yup. So listen up. =)

Hope you enjoy 
