Today is one less stress over. My English test today was really stressful. I totally blank out for an hour. I couldn't think of a topic to talk about. We were given three topic: education, specific law, religion. Then we have four ways to write each topic: compare and contrast, cause and effect, persuasion, and classification. I pick education and did a persuasion. I couldn't think oh any points or even start a sentences.
Everyone was typing away like crazy and i was feeling real panicky. So then i look to God and pray to help me. I really thank God. He reminded me of Psalms 23. So i close my eyes for awhile. And let my thoughts come together. I manage to write quite a good essay in one hour and a half with some extra minutes to spare. i think i wrote about 600+ words. hehe
After the test, i did some email checking. I really thank God that He really provide to His people. A email from mom and Uncle Swa that i got a flight ticket. Yea. I'm not letting you know when I'm coming back. It will be surprise. Is like Jesus Christ saying He will come back soon but we don't know when, yea that how I'm going to put you in that situation. hehe.
I was jumping up and down like a crazy man, people eyes were on me, think why I'm so crazy because i got a flight home. hehe but many students here are like that. hahaha
Anyway, i got back to my room and rest my mind. It did a lot of work today. Tomorrow is even bigger test which is Bible. Which I'm really nervous about. I did well in all the test but I'm as always worry that it don't turn out good. That is why we have God on your side. =)
So i off to study some more on the Bible exam. And my last one will be on Wednesday which is math which is my strongest subject. hehe Till then nighty night.