where Christianholics meet to get a dose of God in their life. Addiction to God is good
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Scoring in All Angles
Today was sleeping day. Had a good rest and have the body get a good recovery. Then did a bit of relaxing like watching shows on my laptop and watch the basketball playoff on TV.
Then did some studying got a test on Monday. But not final exam, just a test. God about 2 test on Monday. English and Math. Should be quite easy but will study nevertheless.
Stay in my room with my roommate. Didn't go anywhere except for lunch and dinner. Now during dinner i watch another basketball playoff game Lakers and Jazz. Close game. Game score is 108 - 94 after that i watch SNL.
Anyway, I'm off to study and then sleep, so till then nighty night.
yesterday at convocation
David Edwards speaks at Friday convocation
April 24, 2009 : Dominique McKay
Students will be leaving Liberty University’s campus in just a couple weeks for summer break, and at Friday’s convocation David Edwards, author and speaker, gave them a message of encouragement in dealing with the transition and change that they are likely to endure.
Edwards travels around the country speaking to young adults about issues relevant to this generation. He has been a featured speaker for City Wide Weekly Bible Study Groups in Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia and Florida. He is the author of 14 books and has written a tract called, “How to Make Life All Good.”
Using the account of Moses’ life in Exodus 4, Edwards told students there are four major points to remember during a time of transition. The first was to handle the power God gives them with care. He said Christians must take responsibility for the role God has given them.
“At the moment we open our lives to Christ … we gave up our rights ... we no longer have rights; we have responsibilities,” Edwards said.
He then told students they must keep their hearts clean, and they must be careful of what the world encourages them to do. He said they must keep a close watch over what they allow to enter into their hearts.
“Whatever lives in us will leak out of us,” he said. “Whatever lives in us will find its way into the choices we make.”
Lastly he said Christians must honor God’s personal counsel. He said they must be willing to submit to God the direction of their lives and to remain teachable.
“Are you willing to submit success in your life to the Lord and say ‘God you own it, and I don’t?’” he said.