Saturday, February 14, 2009

Network Wires Intented


My day seems alright. Had a long rest. woke up around 9am. Did finish up some homework. Feeling great. In the evening, went to eat dinner. And the most wonderful dish ever. Waffles with ice cream and with hot chocolate fudge. To my amazement, many Americans and international think that I'm crazy mixing waffles with ice cream. Cause usually they mix with honey, butter, and strawberries. So it was a first to everyone. So i went they try it. And yes of course they like it. I'm going to see people going to do it. hehe. So a lot of people are starting to know me true this. And they think that this is a Malaysian dish. LOL right? If any of you American see this or Internationals, this dish is from a fast food store that i got. It is from A&W. Yeap, the rootbeer store. So this is not a Malaysian dish.

Then went to basketball. Yea, today was more fun course the really good players are not around. So today was slightly easier to play. After the basketball i went to the gym to work out. And is good. did some cardio and weights. Well actually I'm required to do these things. Cause it is for my class. Yea, it is part of my Kinesiology major. I'm starting to love my major. I know later i have to learn some theories. It is going to be one long journey ahead of me.

I'm going to sleep now. Tomorrow is God's day, i mean it is a Sunday. So will need the rest. Catch me later. nighty night.

Greatness will come,