Saturday, March 21, 2009

Story that Can't be Resisted.


Today was waking. Today i was interrupted by my RA(leader of our dorm) cause it is a Saturday and on Saturday we do something every time. So today we are going to watch the movies. I had to get ready quickly.

The movie we watch is Bedtime Stories. It was alright and something different. Later, we went to the north campus to eat some food.

After all that, i went to find a place to cut my hair cause it was super super super long. And i cannot take it. I went to the place, where for a hair cut is 13 dollars which is cheap cause i ask so many places and it was like 15-20 dollars. Having a hair cut here is so different than cutting in Malaysia. Like i say cut short. They say cut short where and how short. And it was hard to explain how i wanted it. But I'm glad that the person did a good cut after a 15 minute long discussion on how to cut my hair.

Then i come home and sleep again. Now I'm a wake and doing some homework. Now watching SNL. Going to continue to do homework and then of to sleep. Must get ready for church tomorrow. So till then nighty night.

Time is always against us

That is why we got to do as much as possible as we can for Jesus Christ.
We do not know when He is coming again and is dangerous
If we are not living as Christians.

Because that is when we are going to stand before Him and the book of life is open.
Why be afraid went it is true.

We like a true Christian
everyday turn to His image more and more.

Do your part because Jesus Christ did His part by
Dieing on the cross for all mankind sin
He given us Justification
Now we are Sanctify

So we live for Christ.
Think that Jesus can come anytime and any day.

God loves you