Sunday, April 4, 2010

Number of Digits Don't Add Up.


Sunday. Church. Busy.
My day was quite boring though. I woke up around 12pm. Roommate not around. People not around. Many have gone back home for Easter. Americans are big into celebrating Good Friday and Easter. Yet their nation is losing their faith in Christianity. Sad case.

Anyway, i went to church today, not an online church. The preacher preach on something different. He preach about what happen if Jesus Christ was human.

I went to my friend's place to hang out and do some laundry.

What i did most of my day was i watch shows after shows. And sips of studying here and there. I got two papers due soon. English and History. English is easy and i finish in no time. History is the brain stormer.
I have to write about whether western civilization has impacted other parts of world and how did it. Making sore heads here.

Anyway, i got to go now. I need some time thinking about my paper. So till then nighyt night.
