Thursday, August 20, 2009

War Against the Machines


I finally touch down in Lynchburg, Virginia. It was quite a bumpy ride all the way here because there was quite a lot of stormy weather. Before reaching here in Lynchburg, i was at Atlanta. Over there i ran into a small problem. Customs. Because this year i brought some stuff (maggi mee, and Milo). The customs security didn't allow in the maggi mee. Why? it is because it was Malaysian made but the Milo they allow which is kinda dumb too. Milo is Malaysian made also.

Anyway, the school this year is pack with new students and transfer student. It is really pack. Crazily pack. So pack that many of the rooms needed to have three people in a room. I thank God that my room had two people. Me and another guy.

Oh i arrive here around 4pm which is 4am, Malaysia. I was super tired because i didn't sleep on the place. i was watching a lot of movies. hehe.

I rested till my friends came knocking on my door and forcefully wake me up. They wanted to take me out. So we went places. Just to hang out and all.

Room. I couldn't blog for a while because the wireless was down.

Anyway, i'm going to sleep now, so till then nighty night.
