Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Purification of the Hands.


My day has been quite long. It started out early in the morning with 7am wake up time. I had to attend the prayer leaders meeting class every Wednesday at 7:40am.
The meeting was good. Learn some new insight. It is amazing how they teach here.

After the meeting. Classes have been a bit a sleepy side for me. I was struggling through the whole day.

Anyway, i got back to my dorm around 7pm. I went straight to bed. I could not take it. Needed a half an hour nap.

Later i went to Walmart with my roommate to get some food.

That is my day. Nothing really exciting. Just going through the days with God hand on me. I got another 14-15 weeks till school is over for summer break. I'll be back soon than i think off.
Okay, i got to study for a music exam tomorrow. Till then nighty night.
