Today is a tiring day. Woke up early and knew that I'm going to be very tired. I don't know why. I think my body is adjusting or I'm just sleepy. But i thank God that i didn't sleep at all of my classes. YEA...
Oh today i also got quite angry cause the faculty change my classes for no reason. So my schedule is all change. But no much different in it. Just the time. But one class they change which is my GNED and English class. Man, Why!!!? So i went around the office talking to people and so on. They told me their story and why they change my class. Well i was fine with it in the end.
Oh i forgot to add-in this. Today also is our campus church which is called convocation. Where every student must attend. Is really cool. Seeing 11,000 plus students. The service is a bit short like 1 hour. But is awesome. The worship part is cool also, they just play 2 songs. The songs are also very very meaningful. The songs i never heard them before but it really touches the my heart =) Their worship band is so simple. One keyboard, one guitar, one bass, one drum, one violin and 4 singers. Here are so pictures...
So that was convocation for you. Is every Monday/Wednesday/Friday. So there is a lot =)
Nothing much i did today. No big event yet. Will update more more more. Till then nighty night
Oh i wanted to talk about America being a upside-down world. First, they have to make their dates by putting the month then day then year, which is dump. You can only put day/month/year went we do our assignments, other than that you must do that format.
Another thing, hand-phones here are cheap but the plan is stupid. Okay, the perpaid plan, you can choose two types which is pay by pay or pay by minute.
Pay by day they charge you everyday without or with using the phone. So if you don't make calls everyday, this plan is not for you cause they will charge you by the day. Which cost 1 dollar.
pay by minute which is you pay went you only use it. Like make calls or sms. The dumb part is that the perpaid you put in. So if you put in 10 dollars they charge you 23cents per minute for sms and calls, if you put in 100 dollars the rate will be 10cents per minute for sms and calls. DUMB RIGHT!!!the super dumb part is the person you calling also get charge. Like you make a call for 2 minutes which makes 46cents, the 46cents will also be charge to the person i called. CRAZY STUPID SERVICE MAN!!!!
Next thing is driving in the left hand side. Is dumb. I know few countries also do it but is dumb. Well i don't know what to say for this. But i still like America. =)
So then nighty night