Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Oh Dear My Desktop

Good day Upper Most Subang

Well, as you all are about to know is something due to my computer. Yes, my computer has gone crazy again. i just cannot believe it. i have taken good care of it, i never download stupid stuff, i only play dota with it and download music, movies and tv shows. no porns, no viruses, no stupid stuff. And my computer must end up being breakdown mode. cannot take it. some times i wish that i can get a Mac desktop but if i get i can play dota or other games. Some times i really think why must i deserve this treatment. why must i always use computer and in the end get spoil, i don't understand. My computer is not really spoil, is my D drive that is spoil and it has all my music, movies and shows( heart broken). Well, i really don't know why it got spoil. All i know is that i need to get a new harddrive. Thinking of getting a 1tb(1 terabyte) woohoo...but is expensive, it cost 900 ringgit. You tell me where to get that money. Hope can get it for christmas or birthday =). the one 1tb is to replace my D drive. hope to get it soon. computer is really crazy. i will really take care kao kao. don't want spoil already. give me a computer that will never ever spoil on you besides Mac Pcs.

truly heart broken,

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