Thursday, March 12, 2009

Back Sit Party Going...


Today woke up super late. Around 3pm here which is like 3am in Malaysia. Then i went to buy diner. Enjoy my meal and watch some television.

After all that fun, i quiet down to my little table to do some major homework. Nah! is not much. Is a matter of just sitting down still and focus on the work for just 2 hours. And Yes, i manage to get it done. =)

Later i went to my friends room and party with his xbox 360. YEA!!! Had fun and enjoy myself. Great fun. Don't worry, i won't get xbox 360 is a bit a waste of my money. Is nice to get and it is a want and not a need. So i don't need it. =) Maybe in the future. Now is focus on Study and get it done.

Okay, my walk with God. Is ever great and good. Praying for my family, you guys, and the church has been so much power going through and somehow is building my faith. Reading the Word is good too. I'm still believing that someone or i get the money somehow. Well i need like 21,000 each year. I know is a lot. i know. No one has cheat me on my money or anything. i just believe would bless me somehow to further my studies here.

So do continue to pray for me and everything.

Till then nighty night.


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