Sunday, March 15, 2009

Did you know that the best diamond are the ones that shine the most and have good 'cuts'
It takes a skilled craftsman to cut a diamond into its ideal shape. Their goal is to maximize brilliance and sparkle. All those edges on a diamond are created through scientific formulas, and the more experienced the craftsman, the better the result. A diamond that is cut too deep or too shallow will fail to shine as brightly and may appear dull.

God is the ultimate craftsman.
And we are his diamond.
Constantly shaping us to be the prefect diamond.
So cuts are deep, so are shallow.

If you are a true-believing Christian, you would accept change all the time to become the prefect diamond.
You are willing to push on to the good times and bad times.
Wanting your character to be prefect for Christ.

And every prefect diamond has a unique shine to them.
That shine is your appearance, how do you want to appear to your friends/family/strangers.
This appearance is your attitude, character and talents.

And God is crafting you to be prefect in all areas in your life.
We are to appear the prefect examples to your friends even to strangers and yes, also family.

So don't destroy yourself because it's hard or whatever.
fight it through, the results are coming.

God loves you

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