Thursday, March 5, 2009

Have we really given all to God?

Well picture this as your heart. What parts are you still keeping away from God?
God can't fully bless you or help you, if you don't surrender all to Him. Because He has given all to us. The biggest thing that God has given us is His Son, Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ died on the cross to save us from eternal condemnation/sins, so we can be with God in heaven went we retired from this world.

Why must you hide things away from God? Having dirty little secrets? No point hiding them cause God knows but God won't touch you because you didn't surrender all to Him. He will only bless you only on the part you give Him.

Do you want to see, powerful things happen in your life and also a power to people around you. To be light and salt of the world. Showing your identity as child of God.
Know how?
Surrender it all and mean it.

God really wants to bless your life to the fullest even overflowing in fact. So give him the all the parts of your heart. The rooms, the drawers, the closets, even boxes. Even single thing, all the corners, all the rooms, all the drawers, all the boxes, everything that is kept a secret from God.

Sin in your life.
Proclaim it to God, Give it up, tell your leader, friend, pastor about it, pray about it and repent.
Surrender it all and mean it.

i promise you, God will show His fullness in your life.

God loves you

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