Saturday, March 28, 2009

Speed of Quickness...


Saturday, the day of rest and relaxation. Got back from Coffeehouse that the school organize, it was from 1130pm to 2am. So i was really tired cause i was awake since 7am to 2am. Long day, there was no nap in between. Man, I'm tired. I thank God that he gave me rest today. Such peace.

I didn't do much today. Just doing revision and studying and doing homework. Watching so shows now on TV, mostly watching ESPN. =) Because is basketball season from NBA to state basketball to college basketball to even high school basketball. So many basketball game. And there is so many ESPN channels, there is 4-6 ESPN here. crazy. And all of there shows basketball. i miss watching football(not going to say soccer) or tennis or pool or snooker or badminton or golf or any other sport. hehe. Not that i don't like watching basketball, is just a overload of basketball.

Going out now to watch a movie with my friends. So till then nighty night. God bless =)


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