Friday, March 6, 2009

There is so much hate and love going on, we don't know which side to be on?
Well as we are brothers and sisters of Christ. We are to have unity among us, have love one another and at the same time loving God with all our heart. Is important to be united because we are the body of Christ and Jesus the head. The body cannot dislike itself. So build each other up, correct one another if needed, encourage one another is most needed and obedience to God is the most important of them all.

Don't obey because you have too but obey with love. That way God wants us to have. Obey with love flows faith, believe, power, wisdom, and blessing.

And this world as it goes darker and darker. We(True-Believing-Christians) have to be the light and the salt to the world. Have them to come to realize that Jesus is God. Help them, Guide them, and Tell them.

So have unity.

God loves you

1 comment:

Abel Tan said...

Hey dude,
It's Awesome to finally catch up with you after some time. How's your time in US? Hope your fire keeps burning brighter and brighter for the Lord... Come back telling us your wonderful journey. GOdspeed and GodBless my friend. And be assured that you will be in my prayers.
