Thursday, April 23, 2009

Trap in a Box


Man is just another two week left to summer break. So much to do like studying, finding job, signing up for next fall semester classes, housing and so on. All have to be done. Thank God that I'm at top at things.

As far as studies, I'm doing pretty well, with good scores and good attendances, i can smell a 3.5 and above GPA on my transcript. Now, I'm been thinking of this is that should i do a honors program? I know is good for my transcript and and a lot of scholarships. But i want so badly to be a school athletic. Going to see my adviser on these things and whether i can be both. It will ease a lot on the money be paying next year.

All this scores, shows the Lord Jesus Christ blessing in my life. I think i couldn't done it without Him. everyday pushing me forward thinking of my main goal. Taking each class at a time. And making sure that i do my homework on time and studying to know what I'm doing. Some times i wonder why wasn't i like that in school? i think Malaysia has many distractions for me. hehe. Or maybe everything here is straight forward and understandable.

Besides all that, i in a dilemma now. It is that to stay here or go back home to Malaysia for summer? First let me explain, summer school here is expensive because Liberty Uni is a private school. It is not a state school. So doing summer classes are like doing spring and fall semester prices. So that option is out. Second is finding a job here during summer is crazy. I have been applying to so many jobs areas on campus and is been on the waiting list to long. I started at the mid of school and no reply. All my international friends are having this same problem. A sad face for me, =( and i think that they are being biased. Only giving to those they think that can speak English. I think they see Chinese name straight away they put on the waiting list. Because i got a friend, who is from England. He got a job within 3 weeks from applying it.

i like to stay here but i will be wasting a lot of money if i done get a job or study which is a waste of time. I really like to go back and enjoy the tasty food like bak kut teh, chicken rice, mee goreng, lobak, white noodles and so on. Also, to spend time with church members and of course family. Back home, i can help out in the ministry and do things. But of course, i won't get to see friends that are in Australia studying.

What do i choose? and i think I'm beginning to lead towards coming back home.

Anyway, i think i made you guys and gals help me decide for me. I will pray to God about it and also pray harder to get a job. And sleep is calling me, so till then nighty night.

Box to small,


LittleLamb said...

wow..i m proud of u Joel. I hope u can get Dean's List. love jie

Jay's Brick Blog said...

Awesome job!