Monday, January 25, 2010

Being UnComfortable is Comfortable


Monday. Tough day. I just realize that all my classes this year is filled with reading. Each day i have to read several books. Like 4-6 books. Man, each day at least 2-3 chapters.
Reading all day is just good stress. I thank God, He granted me the ability to jungle the between books and class. I hope that i'll be on top of things.

Later in the day i went to gym. Gym is great. One thing is bad though which is the amount of people. But i was able to get my workout done. Worth the workout.

i return to the dorm. Shower. Did a little of studying. After that, i went to leaders meeting or hall leaders meeting. I'm attended it because my RA and SLD wanted me to attend this meeting. They feel that i can be a prayer leader. Like a cell group leader.
Well i have been praying over this. If i do this. I'm doing this in my own time. I don't get any scholarships from the school. But if i do this for a long time, i might reach a stage of RA or SLD. And reaching this stage i would get scholarship.

But i thought to myself deeper. Should i really do this. Am i the person to do this. It's like pressure all over again to me.
Do pray for me on this. It's tough for me. Because it's like another call from the previous post about me having what second degree should i get.

Anyway, i got to go now. Sleepy sleep. So nighty night.


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