Friday, May 14, 2010

The Game Controller Addiction


A rude awakening at 8ish in the morning as my RA and RD step into my room to do room inspection. It was done in 5 minutes as the RD went to the toilet and just told me to take out the trash before i leave. The event was so fast that i did even notice and just went back to sleep.
Today i did some school work. i have to feel in some tax form. Even though i did not work, they just want to know my status. The government want to know what going on with me. IRS. scary stuff.

Anyway, come back home. Finish up packing. Hang out with my hall mates.
Say my last good byes at 9ish pm.

Now i'm staying with a friend's place before i leave to Atlanta tomorrow. My flight schedule apparently change a little bit in time. But it does not affect the time i'm coming home.

Alright, i better get to sleep. Tomorrow i'll be going to church with my friends before they send me to the airport. Do pray for me that my bag is not overweight and save journey too. Till then nighty night.

Game Console,

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