The wonderland one used to dream about has become vapor to vapor. Nothing. Unreal one has become. The sleep one has not be deep rest. The bed a raging wave. Toss and Turn. The eye does not shut because eye's worry to much. Staring at the ceiling wanting this month to disappear. A dreadful wake to unfruitful beginnings. The showers for one use love has shattered in ten minute sprinkle.
Meals that come so fast are wish to stay to have more. The every hour that ticks closer to minute of lecture just bring an undesired to know. Blue one sees every fifteen minutes. Bus arrive at the destinate point. Faces. Faces. Faces. Painted in mix emotion. The happy. The sad. The blur. Swing left and right the ride goes right and left. How one's wish this day, this semester, would be any happier.
Every lecture one's goes is all do this and that. The joy has cut loose. Only more slavery to books and reports and tests has one seen with one's two eyes. Dreadful. Dreadful. Dreadful. The joy has lost it's way. Not know how to return to one's heart. Every power within one has been used up to put a smile on one's face for each person pass by.
The hours and time put in to class has not paid off it's due. The mind has gone weary because fun has not arrive. How one wish for hugs and kiss of a close one. Wish for beautiful yellow hair person to notice one interest. Only time is what the opposite gender want. One wish for so much to want to have. Yet one must uphold temptations.
One cannot take this no more. One wants school to be over and done with. How sad. How sad. One has become. The care in one's heart has vaporize. One has become nothing to know one. The name of one has no more known. Only sadness remains. One with to be more...Love is desire one wants.
One only knows one thing. Only one thing. That God love one. Tears one cry each day. Tears.
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