It's been two and half years i have been studying in Liberty University. Truly this school is special to me. First of all, it is God that place me here. I do not know how He did it. Every major school that i wanted to go did not take me because of my high school result. I did not know what and how to do to get into school. Doors just kept on closing before me. I was frustrated with myself and my parents were too frustrated.
Two years i was searching deep within myself the direction the Lord wanted me take. Parents and people did not understand why i took so long. I was simply waiting on the God. I always belief that God create everyday to give some sought of lesson. My two years were to build me and the people around me. The two years were to understand that God is to move me and not me to move Him. God directs the path, i just then have to take the first step.
The lesson was patience.
God was just doing a work in me to take step by step from Him till He show me the next big move. I see the two years that i spend is for me to understand people better as in understand personality, character, and attitudes. He even show me the career that He wanted me to be. Liberty University just light up before me. This school i have heard of it before from my father friend, Rodney Duncan, he has been telling my dad for years even i was in school. I was not interested of Liberty University because the school was not a major school compare to Harvard, University of North Carolina, Duke, and others major ivy league school.
Something deep down in me told me to go to America.
I did not want to go to Liberty University because it did not click with my previous dream (and still my dream) is to be in NBA (National Basketball Association). Another reason was that i did not want to go to Christian school. I have been living the Christian bubble for so long. Not that i do not like being a Christian. I would never understand the real world till, well, start work. (i do not know what my parents had in mind for me to keeping me in Christian school). I have not been expose to evilness of this world. Some (many) times think that my parents want me to change my mind in whatever career i wanted to do and be the pastor of CBC, Community Baptist Church, like taking over my father's place. I'm not angry with my parents for sending me to Christian schools. I do not know what to think.
Troubling thoughts. The career that God place in my life was to do something with sports. I'm going to be physical therapist.
Well what got me into Liberty University was that God kept closing other doors and pushing me into this school instead. The journey began for me and everything unfold for me. Liberty University just amaze me in many levels. God handy blessing was in my life. The two years spending praying and seeking was not in vain. The process in getting in this school was quick and hard. My first year was good and gets better each year. Pretty much i'm just coasting with God's blessing in my life. My studies is in His hands. The results are for His glory.
Now i pray that this school will support me more financially.
Liberty University has really groom me to be a Champion for Christ. The lessons in class are centered around God's truth. There are people praying for me and me praying for people in my group. This school is build by prayer.
I may not show my spiritual-ness to many but God knows me.
The short-term pursue for me in this school is to become an RD (Resident Director). In order for me to get that position is to become a RA (Resident Assistant). This are tough positions to get because there are many good candidates. Not that i'm not good for those positions just some people are better than me. Right now i'm trying out to be a Spiritual Life Director (SLD). It is a great position and hope that i can get it.
I do want to finish school on time but i think God is holding me back to stay on in this school. I need to pray on this and prayers too.
PS. here is youtube link to my school Liberty University.
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