Today is been quite ok for me, i cook some food for myself. and went play basketball. And now i'm at MK house playing a lot of games, but playing more Quake 3. Fun some. So i be going to IPOH for a day trip and will be back on Thursday. I'll be back...=)
Your sincerely,
where Christianholics meet to get a dose of God in their life. Addiction to God is good
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
My has left for Myanmar. Mission trip. So my day has started out with sending my parents to the airport at the afternoon. Wake up like 12pm to realize that i have no hair shampoo, had to use my body shampoo to wash my hair. hehe. Had to go to airport two times cause my dad forgot some stuff to bring to Myanmar. What a way to waste petrol. Half a tank of petrol gone. Well the things we do for the glory of God's kingdom. But thank God that God can do signs and wonders.
So they will be gone for a week, and a week for me of lonely-ness. This is the only time that i can really sleep very late. like 3-4am even 5. Today i got nothing much to post.
Finally i get to watch 'Wanted'. the cool show with the curving bullets. It is a good show. Especially the plot line they use. This show to me is a motivation movie. Where it gets you going, to be motivated to do something about our life. Anyway, movies should be something that always challenge our imagination. Not something real that reality offers but something that is in our dreams and imagination. i like movies that tickle my dream world and excite you to imagine big. That is why God likes to do signs and wonders to us in our daily life. Just that we are so blind in our fleshy side that we forget/don't see God's miracle. That is why we devotion and faith and Holy-Spirit to walk with us in our Daily life. God is good.
Hmm...i have been think lately about something. Are people around me less noticing me? or i have become to self-centred. I guess that i'm force to learn to be more personal with people and make new friends. Well as long i love God, i should be fine. don't want to type about it. Going to cause more problems. i love you as God loves me.
Looking forward for tomorrow, better days are coming.
the girl next door,
My has left for Myanmar. Mission trip. So my day has started out with sending my parents to the airport at the afternoon. Wake up like 12pm to realize that i have no hair shampoo, had to use my body shampoo to wash my hair. hehe. Had to go to airport two times cause my dad forgot some stuff to bring to Myanmar. What a way to waste petrol. Half a tank of petrol gone. Well the things we do for the glory of God's kingdom. But thank God that God can do signs and wonders.
So they will be gone for a week, and a week for me of lonely-ness. This is the only time that i can really sleep very late. like 3-4am even 5. Today i got nothing much to post.
Finally i get to watch 'Wanted'. the cool show with the curving bullets. It is a good show. Especially the plot line they use. This show to me is a motivation movie. Where it gets you going, to be motivated to do something about our life. Anyway, movies should be something that always challenge our imagination. Not something real that reality offers but something that is in our dreams and imagination. i like movies that tickle my dream world and excite you to imagine big. That is why God likes to do signs and wonders to us in our daily life. Just that we are so blind in our fleshy side that we forget/don't see God's miracle. That is why we devotion and faith and Holy-Spirit to walk with us in our Daily life. God is good.
Hmm...i have been think lately about something. Are people around me less noticing me? or i have become to self-centred. I guess that i'm force to learn to be more personal with people and make new friends. Well as long i love God, i should be fine. don't want to type about it. Going to cause more problems. i love you as God loves me.
Looking forward for tomorrow, better days are coming.
the girl next door,
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Episode 28th
Hey all,
Today church was really well done good. It seems that our church people are hungry and wanting for more. I know that many of the uncles and aunt don't really show much feelings when worship. Well today i saw that all the aunts and uncles were really joyful. They were enjoying themselves and they look like they are giving their all. Is very encouraging to see people enjoying worship and paying attention to word on Sunday. Is good stuff.
Another story, i was quite late to church practice today, it was like 755am. So i rush but super aware. As i was drive to Rock Cafe just to buy a bread and quick go to church. This guys suddenly stop on parking slots and start running to me and beings scolding me. He was call me in some chinese language but you know me, Don't understand. So i reply in english. His english i quite okay. In my mind also was i thought i bang him, accident, my first real accident. But it turns out to be that i cut into his lane to near and was like chasing him. He was scolding me on that. I was like OMG, i signal into you lane and also see that you are so far away to even bang me. He say 'you malaysian drives so rush rush, my go here and there, must rush'. Well i was in a rush. Anyway i say sorry to him like a thousands times and he is still complaining. He was grumbling all the way to his car, so i waited for him to get in his car. i smile and wave at him and say 'goodbye, may God bless' and he gave me the middle finger.(his windows are up, so he couldn't heard what i say to him). What do you think of my driving? don't want to talk about it, want to know more ask me la =)
After church there was sword class. Is great, teaching on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual Gifts also i have learn in Tung Ling already. But is good to have reminders. Is hard to know what spiritual gifts you have. Well the best thing you can do is pray about it and see God what He reveals to you. If you really want to know what Gifts you have, go for Tung Ling bible school. What Uncle Beng teach today is just touching the surface. It more. What he teach today is very true.
Then went for basketball, i was tired. Wasn't fully recover from yesterday games. So i was like running on 70% energy. But is still cool. I play beyond my limit. To me is training. After all that, we all plan to go to Murni, Me, Zach, Kj, Sze J, Jay, and Daniel. We were happy. Then we saw a sign that it is close today. We grumble. So we went to Williams. And it was quite empty, i guess is due to the rise of prices of their food or many people just went back to home town. I like to believe is the first line. Food price up. But we have a great time talking around the world stuff. Animals, School, Food, Football, F1, and random. Well this holiday i would be super free cause my parents are not around, they are going to Myanmar for missions for a week. I get to be home alone. PARTY? MOVIE? OUTHING? SLEEP-OVER? just suggestions. Or i just have a lone week with myself Or i should take a girl out? Or play basketball all day? we see first.
Hmm...Why joel doesn't like any girl in church or outside. the girl he like also taken. How does he control? i don't know. Well i'm to focus on God that i don't really brother the things around me. I believe that God would take care of it. I'm not going to talk about it. i like girls that are honest, true, don't mind the stupid things i do, don't mind my random things i do, (blonde), and well the rest is yet to be discover. Change topic.
i don't know why i watch Speed Racer or Lake House or some touchy show. i start crying. i have not been crying sinces my aunt pass away. i mean really cry like rain, not one two drops. One time have let people see me cry is when my Grandma(mother side) pass away this year. But i don't cry during movies. Only recently i start cry with movies that are so touching and good happy endings. Joel has become emotional. emotions, emotions, emotions. Is good to know that a guy that is sensitive not like till gay. Just know that he have a soft side.
Monday is busy day. So see you guys on someother day that maybe play basketball. hehe
award goes to,
Today church was really well done good. It seems that our church people are hungry and wanting for more. I know that many of the uncles and aunt don't really show much feelings when worship. Well today i saw that all the aunts and uncles were really joyful. They were enjoying themselves and they look like they are giving their all. Is very encouraging to see people enjoying worship and paying attention to word on Sunday. Is good stuff.
Another story, i was quite late to church practice today, it was like 755am. So i rush but super aware. As i was drive to Rock Cafe just to buy a bread and quick go to church. This guys suddenly stop on parking slots and start running to me and beings scolding me. He was call me in some chinese language but you know me, Don't understand. So i reply in english. His english i quite okay. In my mind also was i thought i bang him, accident, my first real accident. But it turns out to be that i cut into his lane to near and was like chasing him. He was scolding me on that. I was like OMG, i signal into you lane and also see that you are so far away to even bang me. He say 'you malaysian drives so rush rush, my go here and there, must rush'. Well i was in a rush. Anyway i say sorry to him like a thousands times and he is still complaining. He was grumbling all the way to his car, so i waited for him to get in his car. i smile and wave at him and say 'goodbye, may God bless' and he gave me the middle finger.(his windows are up, so he couldn't heard what i say to him). What do you think of my driving? don't want to talk about it, want to know more ask me la =)
After church there was sword class. Is great, teaching on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual Gifts also i have learn in Tung Ling already. But is good to have reminders. Is hard to know what spiritual gifts you have. Well the best thing you can do is pray about it and see God what He reveals to you. If you really want to know what Gifts you have, go for Tung Ling bible school. What Uncle Beng teach today is just touching the surface. It more. What he teach today is very true.
Then went for basketball, i was tired. Wasn't fully recover from yesterday games. So i was like running on 70% energy. But is still cool. I play beyond my limit. To me is training. After all that, we all plan to go to Murni, Me, Zach, Kj, Sze J, Jay, and Daniel. We were happy. Then we saw a sign that it is close today. We grumble. So we went to Williams. And it was quite empty, i guess is due to the rise of prices of their food or many people just went back to home town. I like to believe is the first line. Food price up. But we have a great time talking around the world stuff. Animals, School, Food, Football, F1, and random. Well this holiday i would be super free cause my parents are not around, they are going to Myanmar for missions for a week. I get to be home alone. PARTY? MOVIE? OUTHING? SLEEP-OVER? just suggestions. Or i just have a lone week with myself Or i should take a girl out? Or play basketball all day? we see first.
Hmm...Why joel doesn't like any girl in church or outside. the girl he like also taken. How does he control? i don't know. Well i'm to focus on God that i don't really brother the things around me. I believe that God would take care of it. I'm not going to talk about it. i like girls that are honest, true, don't mind the stupid things i do, don't mind my random things i do, (blonde), and well the rest is yet to be discover. Change topic.
i don't know why i watch Speed Racer or Lake House or some touchy show. i start crying. i have not been crying sinces my aunt pass away. i mean really cry like rain, not one two drops. One time have let people see me cry is when my Grandma(mother side) pass away this year. But i don't cry during movies. Only recently i start cry with movies that are so touching and good happy endings. Joel has become emotional. emotions, emotions, emotions. Is good to know that a guy that is sensitive not like till gay. Just know that he have a soft side.
Monday is busy day. So see you guys on someother day that maybe play basketball. hehe
award goes to,
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Had a good day, wake up and quick went to discuss things with my parents on my applications. So i have 1% more which is getting my shots(injections). Anyway after that when for basketball. It is quite good, i went there at 350pm and shot so ball. When Darren and Daniel came, i started to train my 3pointer. Then all of us start playing 3points. And some how my rhythm came back. It was so normal like school years again. Like draining shots like 10-17 shots went in over 21-27 shot miss. Had really good fun playing yesterday.
At night was most undesirable time. Cause, it start at dinner. When i went out for dinner, i wanted to eat Ramil burger but don't have. So i went and buy Chinese food. Then came back and have a good dinner in front of my tv. But then suddenly, out of no where, a creature came out, is all black and small and YUCK!!! to many. It is a cockroach. The most YUCK creature of all. And is not the crawling type. It is the flying one. I say WAOH!!!!. Couldn't eat a nice tv dinner at all. it was like chasing me all over the house. In the end it die, how? i kill it la with fire and aerosol.
After all that war, my parents came back. And my dad brought this new PDA phone from Samsung. It is not the samsung Omina. It is the Samsung i780. which is slightly lower than Omina. Skipping all that. My dad ask me to help him to upload it to his computer. I say no cause it is very late already like 1130pm. But he say must do it now. So being a very obedient child. I did it. Did it till 230am...crazy i thought is going to be a simple process. But it turns out to super annoying. i downloaded all the file from the CD. but when it comes for the syncing of the phone to computer. It cannot detect and saying something like 'Windows Mobile Powered Device cannot be detected. For trouble-shooting please press ok'. Even trouble-shooting also cannot work. I give up and went to sleep.
No i did go to sleep crying. is just so don't want to type about it. @@. I pray that i get a good night sleep and party tomorrow at church. So see you on sunday.
Had a good day, wake up and quick went to discuss things with my parents on my applications. So i have 1% more which is getting my shots(injections). Anyway after that when for basketball. It is quite good, i went there at 350pm and shot so ball. When Darren and Daniel came, i started to train my 3pointer. Then all of us start playing 3points. And some how my rhythm came back. It was so normal like school years again. Like draining shots like 10-17 shots went in over 21-27 shot miss. Had really good fun playing yesterday.
At night was most undesirable time. Cause, it start at dinner. When i went out for dinner, i wanted to eat Ramil burger but don't have. So i went and buy Chinese food. Then came back and have a good dinner in front of my tv. But then suddenly, out of no where, a creature came out, is all black and small and YUCK!!! to many. It is a cockroach. The most YUCK creature of all. And is not the crawling type. It is the flying one. I say WAOH!!!!. Couldn't eat a nice tv dinner at all. it was like chasing me all over the house. In the end it die, how? i kill it la with fire and aerosol.
After all that war, my parents came back. And my dad brought this new PDA phone from Samsung. It is not the samsung Omina. It is the Samsung i780. which is slightly lower than Omina. Skipping all that. My dad ask me to help him to upload it to his computer. I say no cause it is very late already like 1130pm. But he say must do it now. So being a very obedient child. I did it. Did it till 230am...crazy i thought is going to be a simple process. But it turns out to super annoying. i downloaded all the file from the CD. but when it comes for the syncing of the phone to computer. It cannot detect and saying something like 'Windows Mobile Powered Device cannot be detected. For trouble-shooting please press ok'. Even trouble-shooting also cannot work. I give up and went to sleep.
No i did go to sleep crying. is just so don't want to type about it. @@. I pray that i get a good night sleep and party tomorrow at church. So see you on sunday.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Information Lost
Hello all,
Oh dear me. i'm already almost finish with my applications. is just this one final bit which is so important to Americans. And that infomation must be missing at this time. Which is...When did i get my immunization shots. My parents didn't even keep a single record of any of my immunizations. I feel so hurt inside. So Saturday i have to take all the injections all over again. I only know that i took one in standard 6, form 3 and 5 and the rest i don't remember any other injections. Well Americans are a type of people that want to know you in detail, every last bit of you, they must know. So i have to take the vaccines all over just to be covered. Hope i don't get sick from over dose of vaccines.
Americans are very caution people. That is why they must know you in detail. All of you. I have to even give them my family background, like where you parents study before, are they christians, and etc. Well, this is what you get if you want to study in US. i'm like 99% done is just this 1%. they these infections done and be happy of it.
Anyway enough of American talk, lets talk something local. Which was YC. YC is above good which is great. Great stuff. From welcome to word great stuff. Especially word, which shock me, i mean i have already study worship in Tung Ling. But MK present it quite well, taking it from Luke 7 and 8. And giving two points choice and giving it all. I don't want to explain anything here unless you have been to Tung Ling. Or you come speak to me personally. =)
I have to say YC is really great. Is always a new experiences. Always know that God work in wonders. After YC is over. i had more fun. Which is Jumping over a lot of chairs. I love jumping. Is so full of excitement and also full of adrenaline rush. Love it. Always did it in school. And always want some thing more challenging every time i do. Monkeying Around. Jumping over stuff is a Rush. i didn't know that i could do so many chairs like three chairs in a row but can't do four =( but is a challenge for me. If i have a house, i must and got to build a obstacle course in my house. And it is changeable, which is always a new obstacle course. Is a dream come through. I remember going to 1u last time where they had a big playground, i went there like nearly everytime. is a cool place.
If we have a Youth Camp, we better get a obstacle course, make our own. with a lot of jumping around. Don't like crawling or climbing or running. more of jumping would be great. Going to dream of it tonight when i sleep. See you guys in the afternoon.
Oh dear me. i'm already almost finish with my applications. is just this one final bit which is so important to Americans. And that infomation must be missing at this time. Which is...When did i get my immunization shots. My parents didn't even keep a single record of any of my immunizations. I feel so hurt inside. So Saturday i have to take all the injections all over again. I only know that i took one in standard 6, form 3 and 5 and the rest i don't remember any other injections. Well Americans are a type of people that want to know you in detail, every last bit of you, they must know. So i have to take the vaccines all over just to be covered. Hope i don't get sick from over dose of vaccines.
Americans are very caution people. That is why they must know you in detail. All of you. I have to even give them my family background, like where you parents study before, are they christians, and etc. Well, this is what you get if you want to study in US. i'm like 99% done is just this 1%. they these infections done and be happy of it.
Anyway enough of American talk, lets talk something local. Which was YC. YC is above good which is great. Great stuff. From welcome to word great stuff. Especially word, which shock me, i mean i have already study worship in Tung Ling. But MK present it quite well, taking it from Luke 7 and 8. And giving two points choice and giving it all. I don't want to explain anything here unless you have been to Tung Ling. Or you come speak to me personally. =)
I have to say YC is really great. Is always a new experiences. Always know that God work in wonders. After YC is over. i had more fun. Which is Jumping over a lot of chairs. I love jumping. Is so full of excitement and also full of adrenaline rush. Love it. Always did it in school. And always want some thing more challenging every time i do. Monkeying Around. Jumping over stuff is a Rush. i didn't know that i could do so many chairs like three chairs in a row but can't do four =( but is a challenge for me. If i have a house, i must and got to build a obstacle course in my house. And it is changeable, which is always a new obstacle course. Is a dream come through. I remember going to 1u last time where they had a big playground, i went there like nearly everytime. is a cool place.
If we have a Youth Camp, we better get a obstacle course, make our own. with a lot of jumping around. Don't like crawling or climbing or running. more of jumping would be great. Going to dream of it tonight when i sleep. See you guys in the afternoon.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Fish Buckets of Nets
Today seems quite equally paced. Woke up on unreasonable time at 6am. Don't know why, maybe is one of those days went my bioclock just tells me to wake up. But i went to sleep again anyway. About 1030am, my mom call me to sign some documents for my Uni. it took 10mins then off to sleep again. 1130am i wake up, couldn't sleep any more. Watch some tv, watch mythbusters and a movie Freedom Writes again. i guess every thursday is boring day. So again i play with my little Nephew, Philip.
What is it that i wanted to post to night? what is it.....Oh i was cleaning my room. Cleaning my room would be changing the interior. Well i'm not changing everything but just need new stuff for my room. Thinking of getting some stuff for ikea. This is OCD mode. So i might be going to ikea for some shopping, YAY!!! if only i have a lot of money. if i had a lot of money i would buy a lot of stuff from ikea. Or even do some handcrafting furniture. Money. the thing that everyone needs. Many people wish that money can grow on trees or rain down. Well this is only God can bless and we also have to work of it.
Then i watch a episode of transformers, my transformers are now in season 2(i know it is very slow) The drawing has improve and the story are more interesting. Transformers, hope they are doing a new cartoon movie of the transformers. hehe.
So tomorrow is friday, Was thinking of going there slightly early and play some songs from the ipod and ROCK church. hehe of course Christian Songs la. Maybe go there like 645pm. 7plus go for dinner then get ready for YC. Also lets all pray for MK cause he is in Penang with his client and i think he will be flight back, so pray that God will give he energy and strength and wisdom and the words to play for worship and Give Word on Worship. And another pray is for Charlene's baby that it will be a healthly baby and no complications. I'm off to watch a movie, old movie la 'Speed Racer' good show, worth it.
Whole heartly,
Today seems quite equally paced. Woke up on unreasonable time at 6am. Don't know why, maybe is one of those days went my bioclock just tells me to wake up. But i went to sleep again anyway. About 1030am, my mom call me to sign some documents for my Uni. it took 10mins then off to sleep again. 1130am i wake up, couldn't sleep any more. Watch some tv, watch mythbusters and a movie Freedom Writes again. i guess every thursday is boring day. So again i play with my little Nephew, Philip.
What is it that i wanted to post to night? what is it.....Oh i was cleaning my room. Cleaning my room would be changing the interior. Well i'm not changing everything but just need new stuff for my room. Thinking of getting some stuff for ikea. This is OCD mode. So i might be going to ikea for some shopping, YAY!!! if only i have a lot of money. if i had a lot of money i would buy a lot of stuff from ikea. Or even do some handcrafting furniture. Money. the thing that everyone needs. Many people wish that money can grow on trees or rain down. Well this is only God can bless and we also have to work of it.
Then i watch a episode of transformers, my transformers are now in season 2(i know it is very slow) The drawing has improve and the story are more interesting. Transformers, hope they are doing a new cartoon movie of the transformers. hehe.
So tomorrow is friday, Was thinking of going there slightly early and play some songs from the ipod and ROCK church. hehe of course Christian Songs la. Maybe go there like 645pm. 7plus go for dinner then get ready for YC. Also lets all pray for MK cause he is in Penang with his client and i think he will be flight back, so pray that God will give he energy and strength and wisdom and the words to play for worship and Give Word on Worship. And another pray is for Charlene's baby that it will be a healthly baby and no complications. I'm off to watch a movie, old movie la 'Speed Racer' good show, worth it.
Whole heartly,
Zippo Lighter
There is another youtube video but the guy disable the embedding so here the video
this one of the reasons why i want a zippo lighter and the other reason is not smoking!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Today for me was quite slow. My day starts at 1030am. Pretty much didn't happen till 12pm. Well i play with my little nephew, he is growing to be such a big boy now. He is going to turn 1 very soon. He can do quite a lot of stuff now for his age. He can stand on his own, feed himself with a mess, crawl a lot, understands food, gives you a stare where ever you walk, and make a lot of noise and lastly he likes a lot of music. Hopefully he can remember me went i get back from USA.
After all that, my mom ask me to come for this seminar. Is talking about other Christians around world, what are happening to them. Mostly is persecution. And the seminar also talk about how to build a strong and united church. Well this guy speaks, you can just sit there and listen to his stories non-stop. This guy, he has been around the world talking to churches. And he has seen so many types of persecution in that country. Very interesting fellow. But i didn't want to stick around. Cause is not my time to listen to it yet.
So i drove with dad home. And my dad has a big interest on PDA phones. He wants this and that. Well my dad wants something that is easy to use and keeps everything. He now doesn't like the O2. What phone he wants? The samsung Omnia or iphone(old version or new) or nokia N90. Now he likes the nokia N90 cause he saw Uncle Pres using it, and he like it. And some more he wants it cheap like he will buy any PDA phone just below 2k or 3k. Other than that is no need to think about. But me, i still think getting iPhone is worth it. But it is not coming to Malaysia, know Why? actually i don't know why, i guess Malaysia is just not recongnize, Maybe Malaysia is to 2nd world or worse 3rd world or Apple is just stupid. Actually iphone is just not user friendly to Pc users. Cause Pc users like control, but Apple gives you a bit of control. To me i don't know la. Actually any phone i get that has grouping, web, bluetooth, call, sms i would be happy. Anything extra is just blessing. So what phone i want, the phone i want is either iPhone 3G or sony ericsson Z710i.
Today at worship practice is really really great. It is going to be a exciting Youth Celebration. Actually i not suppose to be on duty. i don't know why the PA person didn't turn up(the person on duty is Uncle *****I*) i'm only on duty on friday but not for sunday. But i guess who cares, cause every one knows that Joel is going to do it any where. Anyway enough of complaining. YC is going to be awesome. I'm so hype up for it. Hope all the youth and their friends would come for this. Is like a party. See you guys on Friday
Come home to watch GG s02e04. And is ******* good, i enjoy the whole episode. it is what i suspected. Is going to be more whole lot crazier. GG is meant to be like this. total choas. CAN'T WAIT FOR GG s02e05. the pain, the backstab, the love(what love), rumors. exciting. Thanks Jay for letting me watch this at christmas 2007. hehe.
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Today for me was quite slow. My day starts at 1030am. Pretty much didn't happen till 12pm. Well i play with my little nephew, he is growing to be such a big boy now. He is going to turn 1 very soon. He can do quite a lot of stuff now for his age. He can stand on his own, feed himself with a mess, crawl a lot, understands food, gives you a stare where ever you walk, and make a lot of noise and lastly he likes a lot of music. Hopefully he can remember me went i get back from USA.
After all that, my mom ask me to come for this seminar. Is talking about other Christians around world, what are happening to them. Mostly is persecution. And the seminar also talk about how to build a strong and united church. Well this guy speaks, you can just sit there and listen to his stories non-stop. This guy, he has been around the world talking to churches. And he has seen so many types of persecution in that country. Very interesting fellow. But i didn't want to stick around. Cause is not my time to listen to it yet.
So i drove with dad home. And my dad has a big interest on PDA phones. He wants this and that. Well my dad wants something that is easy to use and keeps everything. He now doesn't like the O2. What phone he wants? The samsung Omnia or iphone(old version or new) or nokia N90. Now he likes the nokia N90 cause he saw Uncle Pres using it, and he like it. And some more he wants it cheap like he will buy any PDA phone just below 2k or 3k. Other than that is no need to think about. But me, i still think getting iPhone is worth it. But it is not coming to Malaysia, know Why? actually i don't know why, i guess Malaysia is just not recongnize, Maybe Malaysia is to 2nd world or worse 3rd world or Apple is just stupid. Actually iphone is just not user friendly to Pc users. Cause Pc users like control, but Apple gives you a bit of control. To me i don't know la. Actually any phone i get that has grouping, web, bluetooth, call, sms i would be happy. Anything extra is just blessing. So what phone i want, the phone i want is either iPhone 3G or sony ericsson Z710i.
Today at worship practice is really really great. It is going to be a exciting Youth Celebration. Actually i not suppose to be on duty. i don't know why the PA person didn't turn up(the person on duty is Uncle *****I*) i'm only on duty on friday but not for sunday. But i guess who cares, cause every one knows that Joel is going to do it any where. Anyway enough of complaining. YC is going to be awesome. I'm so hype up for it. Hope all the youth and their friends would come for this. Is like a party. See you guys on Friday
Come home to watch GG s02e04. And is ******* good, i enjoy the whole episode. it is what i suspected. Is going to be more whole lot crazier. GG is meant to be like this. total choas. CAN'T WAIT FOR GG s02e05. the pain, the backstab, the love(what love), rumors. exciting. Thanks Jay for letting me watch this at christmas 2007. hehe.
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Coming to a End
Have you thought of how we would go Home? like when would tribulation is going to happen? I have been thinking of this all the time. Since i was a kid. i was and always very interested on when is God coming to take us home? When i was a kid i only use to read Revelation, Daniel, Isaiah, and of course the Gospels. But i read the most is Revelation and Daniel. Since these two books are some how connected with each other. Tribulation is so exciting and scary at the same time.
Back in the years, where i use to be a kid. i thought God will come anytime soon. Cause i saw the world being so corrupted and i thought the 666 will be here soon. i always imagine that i won't be in college or University cause the beast has come already(but it didn't happen). When 1999 happen, everyone in church was quite fearful, cause the world say that all computers are going to crash and economics going to drop like crazy. War will rage all over the world, ally and non-ally turn each other, nuclear holocaust, every disaster you can think of, thought it will happen on 1999. At the end of 1999, turning to 2000, it was just a small glitch on the computers. Every thing was fine.
Then on 2001, where the World Trade Center was crash by two planes. Every one again thought it is the end of days. Well pretty much didn't happen except for a lot of wars going on still. I guess is just the starting of tribulation. I can't wait for the world to end. I want to see Jesus for real. When i was kid i use to think, that is ok to take the mark of the beast, as long your heart belongs to God, so can help those who need food and other stuff. Cause without the mark, you can't buy or sell anything. Every thing is control with that mark on your hand and fore head.( please do Not take the Mark ok, is just a Thought, God say No, so don't do it). Imagine with me, we all Christian will be fugitive every where you go. And during this time also, i guess we still be doing outreach. I still believe that those who got the mark are still able to convert them to Christians(just a thought). So Christians let us be equip. Maybe i might want to take survival lessons on how to live in the jungle or in the mountains. I can surely say this that we will be hunted down like animals and be shot on site. If we get caught, the person will question us like 'deny that Jesus is God and receive the mark and all is forgiven, if not prepare to be die slowly' it will be the test of all believes and your faith being tested. Imagine the person with the gun on your head, ready to pull the trigger, saying those words to you, in the end What would you say? now is easy for you to say that i won't deny Christ but just imagine it, picture it, put yourself in that situation. That person has no mercy, no grace for you, he will surely pull the trigger, he will not hasted. Think about it
We can plan what ever things to escape the person, but they will snift us out like animals, not hasted to shoot us if we don't deny. Only way is to pray and continue to run for your life till Jesus comes as the Mighty Warrior for all Christians. The test of time, tribulation, end of days.
Jesus Christ told all of us to always be ready, to keep watch, He can come like a theif at night, He comes in a blink of an eye. He told all this in our only Bible. read the Gospels. Don't live in fear but Live with full of rejoicing. Cause everyday is a step closer to the coming of Christ. Till He comes, I'll be waiting faithfully.
Have you thought of how we would go Home? like when would tribulation is going to happen? I have been thinking of this all the time. Since i was a kid. i was and always very interested on when is God coming to take us home? When i was a kid i only use to read Revelation, Daniel, Isaiah, and of course the Gospels. But i read the most is Revelation and Daniel. Since these two books are some how connected with each other. Tribulation is so exciting and scary at the same time.
Back in the years, where i use to be a kid. i thought God will come anytime soon. Cause i saw the world being so corrupted and i thought the 666 will be here soon. i always imagine that i won't be in college or University cause the beast has come already(but it didn't happen). When 1999 happen, everyone in church was quite fearful, cause the world say that all computers are going to crash and economics going to drop like crazy. War will rage all over the world, ally and non-ally turn each other, nuclear holocaust, every disaster you can think of, thought it will happen on 1999. At the end of 1999, turning to 2000, it was just a small glitch on the computers. Every thing was fine.
Then on 2001, where the World Trade Center was crash by two planes. Every one again thought it is the end of days. Well pretty much didn't happen except for a lot of wars going on still. I guess is just the starting of tribulation. I can't wait for the world to end. I want to see Jesus for real. When i was kid i use to think, that is ok to take the mark of the beast, as long your heart belongs to God, so can help those who need food and other stuff. Cause without the mark, you can't buy or sell anything. Every thing is control with that mark on your hand and fore head.( please do Not take the Mark ok, is just a Thought, God say No, so don't do it). Imagine with me, we all Christian will be fugitive every where you go. And during this time also, i guess we still be doing outreach. I still believe that those who got the mark are still able to convert them to Christians(just a thought). So Christians let us be equip. Maybe i might want to take survival lessons on how to live in the jungle or in the mountains. I can surely say this that we will be hunted down like animals and be shot on site. If we get caught, the person will question us like 'deny that Jesus is God and receive the mark and all is forgiven, if not prepare to be die slowly' it will be the test of all believes and your faith being tested. Imagine the person with the gun on your head, ready to pull the trigger, saying those words to you, in the end What would you say? now is easy for you to say that i won't deny Christ but just imagine it, picture it, put yourself in that situation. That person has no mercy, no grace for you, he will surely pull the trigger, he will not hasted. Think about it
We can plan what ever things to escape the person, but they will snift us out like animals, not hasted to shoot us if we don't deny. Only way is to pray and continue to run for your life till Jesus comes as the Mighty Warrior for all Christians. The test of time, tribulation, end of days.
Jesus Christ told all of us to always be ready, to keep watch, He can come like a theif at night, He comes in a blink of an eye. He told all this in our only Bible. read the Gospels. Don't live in fear but Live with full of rejoicing. Cause everyday is a step closer to the coming of Christ. Till He comes, I'll be waiting faithfully.
Can't wait
Warriors for Him,
Monday, September 22, 2008
God's Plan
Hi lovely,
Well things with my applications are going according to plan. Is really smooth sailing all the way to America. Just need my mom to sign some documents and some financial documents need to be send. And hopefully i'll be going at early January. I can't tell you, how excited i am to go there to study. It is early spring and is going to be flopping super cold. Cause winter is just over by then. I can imagine meeting new people and staying there for many many years there. I'm planing to go to the many sites and place to eat there. And i get to meet real color hair like blondes, brunette, red heads, and so on. But the cool thing about my school is that, the school itself has a church inside. So i won't be missing church on sundays(i'm sure that i'll miss cbc subang)
Just outside my school is a shopping malls, train station, and is super near the airport. (i don't know how to do a snap shot of my screen, so anyway i give you the map where i'll be)
Well things with my applications are going according to plan. Is really smooth sailing all the way to America. Just need my mom to sign some documents and some financial documents need to be send. And hopefully i'll be going at early January. I can't tell you, how excited i am to go there to study. It is early spring and is going to be flopping super cold. Cause winter is just over by then. I can imagine meeting new people and staying there for many many years there. I'm planing to go to the many sites and place to eat there. And i get to meet real color hair like blondes, brunette, red heads, and so on. But the cool thing about my school is that, the school itself has a church inside. So i won't be missing church on sundays(i'm sure that i'll miss cbc subang)
Just outside my school is a shopping malls, train station, and is super near the airport. (i don't know how to do a snap shot of my screen, so anyway i give you the map where i'll be)
To many of you who still don't know which part in the world of America i would be in. I'm going to Virginia. It is just below New York. It is northeast of America. When i'm there, the first thing i might do is get a iphone 3G(i know this phone is overrated, so what), i know i have to sign up for at&t for two years, hopefully end of the two years, i can use Maxis again. (i promise i try to call back to Malaysia as many time, i'll get the lowest package, ok). Wow, i'm going to experiences winter, spring, summer, autumn. It will be great. i try to bring back snow ok.
Hopefully i get to play basketball for Liberty. It will be awesome. Get to travel around other states just to play basketball. But now, i must train to dunk, is the main mission. Must be a great player. Must master the jump-shot, passing, and dribble. Over there i hope that i can be involve with ministry work there too, be in like the music ministry or missions or just someone does background work for the church.( i know there are surely better people than me, but God is truly wonderful, He will always help His people). It will be a good thing if i could do the PA there in their church.
I must study well there, knowing how much my parents are going to pay. i only have one shot at this. i must get a job there too, went i can. Maybe work in the school. i believe that God will help me financially. i believe it. Better things are yet to come.
Hopefully i get to play basketball for Liberty. It will be awesome. Get to travel around other states just to play basketball. But now, i must train to dunk, is the main mission. Must be a great player. Must master the jump-shot, passing, and dribble. Over there i hope that i can be involve with ministry work there too, be in like the music ministry or missions or just someone does background work for the church.( i know there are surely better people than me, but God is truly wonderful, He will always help His people). It will be a good thing if i could do the PA there in their church.
I must study well there, knowing how much my parents are going to pay. i only have one shot at this. i must get a job there too, went i can. Maybe work in the school. i believe that God will help me financially. i believe it. Better things are yet to come.
What Joelpaul Means |
![]() You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you. You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries. You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice. You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life. You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you. At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is. You are influential and persuasive. You tend to have a lot of power over people. Generally, you use your powers for good. You excel at solving other people's problems. Occasionally, you do get a little selfish and persuade people to do things that are only in your interest. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way. And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life. You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it. |
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Worlds Apart...
Sunday, day of joy and fun and God given time. Only i wish that everyday we can have church service. Anyway, church today was great, is always a great experience. i'm beginning to see people are willing and already rising up to awesome leaders. Today, i purposely come to church slightly late. And to my great pleasure, seeing everything all well set up. There were minor hiccup here and there but every thing went smoothly. Great job guys, is one step forward for all of us.
Today sermon was simple. And Ps. Mal deliver it well. Actually is good to live simple for God, and is best not to complicate our love relationship with Jesus. Keep things simple. =) But i got a huge confession to make which is i didn't really listen much to the sermon. Cause i was busy talking to a friend that came to church today. And he wanted to be in the know in some thing. basically like mentoring him at that moment. But is good to know that he is doing fine. So after church, many of us waited for Ps Beng...opps... i mean Elder Beng to come to discuss about the Holy Spirit. And is exciting to see man people going for it. What he was talking i have already learn at Tung Ling. But i'm not saying that i'm a expert in that area but i know these stuff. Is cool to see people are wanting and willing to learn more of God, to understand Him, what He wants in this love relationship we have with Him. Cool.
So after all that, went to pin kee for lunch with Zach Siow and Daniel. During lunch Daniel realise that he left his wallet with Esther. And yesterday, he use a bit of my money, and me became slightly broke. Only having 15 bucks. Also Zach Siow only had 12 bucks. So we thought our meal is going to be like around 24 to 27 bucks. So i think all three of us end up praying to God that the lady to charge us less. And it turns out to be just 20riggit. Which i think i not bad for one lemon chicken, fish buttermilk, something buttermilk(daniel order) and two chinese tea. Not bad right?
So your hearts were calm...but when we went out, we saw the sky turn dark blue. And we all sign at each other. Cause no basketball. But all thing are possible. We still manage to play basketball at around 430pm and still had fun =). And our basketball games just got longer like playing 11points now instead of playing 7 points. i'm not complaining. just thinking why. i guess that is so few of us, so that is why we play 11points. Can't wait for day that we might play full court and playing like 35 points. Seeing everyone getting strong and better at their game. Time for me to train up my game. My blister is still floaping painful, and i'm scare that i burst my blister during basketball. But thank God for making cold water and aleo vera.
In end, i thought there was going to be a meeting at suku at what don't know time to watch the match. But it ends up with nobody going. Oh well, nothing can do about it. Try calling so many people but hardly anybody pick up their phone. stress. hehe. Other than that, i had a great dinner by myself. Order burger from Ramil. It is good malaysian food. bought it went home and add on chesse to the burger with two slices in one burger. Yummy stuff. And watch a good movie on HBO. the movie is Freedom Writers. Is real a good show and it is basic on truth events. Not going to tell you about the movie. The idea is for you to watch it went it is on or just download it. =P. Tomorrow is going to be quite busy. Have to finalize my documents for Liberty University. Really like to thank God for this chance to study overseas and to study in what i like. And hopefully that i can play in the NBA or EURO ball. i'm really excited and over joy to go there. Can't wait. I know i will be miss and i starting to miss everyone every day now, been praying for all and each of everyone of you guys to grow up to be great and awesome and always chasing after God's heart.
I know i been slacking off, trying to be in the shadows to allow you guys to shine. i have clean my shoes and ready to pass it on. And just step back and see the seed grow to Big fruitful tree. Ready to take on new roles. Awesome!!!
Dearly miss,
Sunday, day of joy and fun and God given time. Only i wish that everyday we can have church service. Anyway, church today was great, is always a great experience. i'm beginning to see people are willing and already rising up to awesome leaders. Today, i purposely come to church slightly late. And to my great pleasure, seeing everything all well set up. There were minor hiccup here and there but every thing went smoothly. Great job guys, is one step forward for all of us.
Today sermon was simple. And Ps. Mal deliver it well. Actually is good to live simple for God, and is best not to complicate our love relationship with Jesus. Keep things simple. =) But i got a huge confession to make which is i didn't really listen much to the sermon. Cause i was busy talking to a friend that came to church today. And he wanted to be in the know in some thing. basically like mentoring him at that moment. But is good to know that he is doing fine. So after church, many of us waited for Ps Beng...opps... i mean Elder Beng to come to discuss about the Holy Spirit. And is exciting to see man people going for it. What he was talking i have already learn at Tung Ling. But i'm not saying that i'm a expert in that area but i know these stuff. Is cool to see people are wanting and willing to learn more of God, to understand Him, what He wants in this love relationship we have with Him. Cool.
So after all that, went to pin kee for lunch with Zach Siow and Daniel. During lunch Daniel realise that he left his wallet with Esther. And yesterday, he use a bit of my money, and me became slightly broke. Only having 15 bucks. Also Zach Siow only had 12 bucks. So we thought our meal is going to be like around 24 to 27 bucks. So i think all three of us end up praying to God that the lady to charge us less. And it turns out to be just 20riggit. Which i think i not bad for one lemon chicken, fish buttermilk, something buttermilk(daniel order) and two chinese tea. Not bad right?
So your hearts were calm...but when we went out, we saw the sky turn dark blue. And we all sign at each other. Cause no basketball. But all thing are possible. We still manage to play basketball at around 430pm and still had fun =). And our basketball games just got longer like playing 11points now instead of playing 7 points. i'm not complaining. just thinking why. i guess that is so few of us, so that is why we play 11points. Can't wait for day that we might play full court and playing like 35 points. Seeing everyone getting strong and better at their game. Time for me to train up my game. My blister is still floaping painful, and i'm scare that i burst my blister during basketball. But thank God for making cold water and aleo vera.
In end, i thought there was going to be a meeting at suku at what don't know time to watch the match. But it ends up with nobody going. Oh well, nothing can do about it. Try calling so many people but hardly anybody pick up their phone. stress. hehe. Other than that, i had a great dinner by myself. Order burger from Ramil. It is good malaysian food. bought it went home and add on chesse to the burger with two slices in one burger. Yummy stuff. And watch a good movie on HBO. the movie is Freedom Writers. Is real a good show and it is basic on truth events. Not going to tell you about the movie. The idea is for you to watch it went it is on or just download it. =P. Tomorrow is going to be quite busy. Have to finalize my documents for Liberty University. Really like to thank God for this chance to study overseas and to study in what i like. And hopefully that i can play in the NBA or EURO ball. i'm really excited and over joy to go there. Can't wait. I know i will be miss and i starting to miss everyone every day now, been praying for all and each of everyone of you guys to grow up to be great and awesome and always chasing after God's heart.
I know i been slacking off, trying to be in the shadows to allow you guys to shine. i have clean my shoes and ready to pass it on. And just step back and see the seed grow to Big fruitful tree. Ready to take on new roles. Awesome!!!
Dearly miss,
Saturday, September 20, 2008
It Burns.
Today i had a rude awakening the sound of my trusty little cellphone, the sony ericsson T610, beeping away with my ring tone X-men theme song at 10.3am. Hearing a sweet voice of a aunt asking me whether i'm awake. Well pretty much a awake by my phone ringing and vibrating away. So that ask me to awake up and come to church to open the church, cause no at that time had no key to church, to help bring tables to City Harvest for Shaohen wedding. Horrible. And yes, being me i would hardly say no. So i woke up, took a quick shower and rush to church with my big powerful van.
So bring the tables to City Harvest was ok la. But to my amaze, no one from City Harvest help us to take down the tables from my van and none of them help set up the area for the food. Hmm....must be no bondservants in that church, hehe. sorry. I was really tired cause yesterday i slept really late again. So i have to put up a happy face and slowly walk away to Medan/Rock Cafe for breakfast with Zach Siow.
In the end, i guess Shaohen just couldn't remember me. But i just couldn't be careless. I just don't like people a member of the church leaving to another church cause of whatever reason. God is God. So i went they finish i quickly get all the tables and put it back in church and went straight to Pyramid to see Daniel, Esther and Carmen. It is to help Daniel to find a good looking shirt to wear for choir. Just see him on this sunday. So after buying the shirt, we went walking around to shop for people for Christmas. So we know what to buy now and hope no one else buys it for that person. Anyway, the highlight in Pyramid was when we had to walk through this place of hair standing moment to go to the digital area, where we have to walk through Asian Avenue. And we pass by inside this creepy place a shop selling so weird stuff. like shocking people with those shocking pen or lighter and so on. So me being curious of this interesting lighter in that store. So i thought i know how the fire was going to come out and it turns out the fire i thought is going to come out of the other end, ends up buring my fourth finger. it was bloodly frecking painful. I couldn't tahan and we didn't eat lunch somemore. So we rush to McD for lunch and i quickly put my finger inside my coke drink. To cool it off. It is so painful that the pain is so intense. Cannot tahan. Grrr....Now i got a blister on my finger. Hate Shit that happens.
Then somemore after Pyramid shopping going for basketball. with a injured finger to play ball is not funny. is floaping painful. i think i got a second degree burn...i check it in a medical book i have at home. So i have to put my finger in really really cold water for 10 mins. And have to put Aleo Vera on blister. I think today is some what fun day la. after basketball had a great time in murni, where our friend Sze Jiun spent dinner on us. Which is a good thing that he has done. Well also had a small talk to Sze Jiun on responsibility. Cause he left his wallet at the basketball court and i was at Zach Mok house ready to do Murni. So i and him had to go to TP to get his wallet. Anyway, i'm happy that he spent on us la. thanks Sze Jiun.
We had a talk about Pokemon, i didn't play Pokemon at all, didn't play the card or the gameboy. The only think i know is Pikachu and the Pokemon movie. So i'm going to take my left now. Get ready for sunday church.
New experiences,
Today i had a rude awakening the sound of my trusty little cellphone, the sony ericsson T610, beeping away with my ring tone X-men theme song at 10.3am. Hearing a sweet voice of a aunt asking me whether i'm awake. Well pretty much a awake by my phone ringing and vibrating away. So that ask me to awake up and come to church to open the church, cause no at that time had no key to church, to help bring tables to City Harvest for Shaohen wedding. Horrible. And yes, being me i would hardly say no. So i woke up, took a quick shower and rush to church with my big powerful van.
So bring the tables to City Harvest was ok la. But to my amaze, no one from City Harvest help us to take down the tables from my van and none of them help set up the area for the food. Hmm....must be no bondservants in that church, hehe. sorry. I was really tired cause yesterday i slept really late again. So i have to put up a happy face and slowly walk away to Medan/Rock Cafe for breakfast with Zach Siow.
In the end, i guess Shaohen just couldn't remember me. But i just couldn't be careless. I just don't like people a member of the church leaving to another church cause of whatever reason. God is God. So i went they finish i quickly get all the tables and put it back in church and went straight to Pyramid to see Daniel, Esther and Carmen. It is to help Daniel to find a good looking shirt to wear for choir. Just see him on this sunday. So after buying the shirt, we went walking around to shop for people for Christmas. So we know what to buy now and hope no one else buys it for that person. Anyway, the highlight in Pyramid was when we had to walk through this place of hair standing moment to go to the digital area, where we have to walk through Asian Avenue. And we pass by inside this creepy place a shop selling so weird stuff. like shocking people with those shocking pen or lighter and so on. So me being curious of this interesting lighter in that store. So i thought i know how the fire was going to come out and it turns out the fire i thought is going to come out of the other end, ends up buring my fourth finger. it was bloodly frecking painful. I couldn't tahan and we didn't eat lunch somemore. So we rush to McD for lunch and i quickly put my finger inside my coke drink. To cool it off. It is so painful that the pain is so intense. Cannot tahan. Grrr....Now i got a blister on my finger. Hate Shit that happens.
Then somemore after Pyramid shopping going for basketball. with a injured finger to play ball is not funny. is floaping painful. i think i got a second degree burn...i check it in a medical book i have at home. So i have to put my finger in really really cold water for 10 mins. And have to put Aleo Vera on blister. I think today is some what fun day la. after basketball had a great time in murni, where our friend Sze Jiun spent dinner on us. Which is a good thing that he has done. Well also had a small talk to Sze Jiun on responsibility. Cause he left his wallet at the basketball court and i was at Zach Mok house ready to do Murni. So i and him had to go to TP to get his wallet. Anyway, i'm happy that he spent on us la. thanks Sze Jiun.
We had a talk about Pokemon, i didn't play Pokemon at all, didn't play the card or the gameboy. The only think i know is Pikachu and the Pokemon movie. So i'm going to take my left now. Get ready for sunday church.
New experiences,
Friday, September 19, 2008
Back to Fundamentals
So today was somewhat a great day. i had a very late night sleep. i slept at 5am, you know why, so watching movies. hehe...so i woke up around 2pm today and had a weird headache. Anyway, i shower and went for lunch and watch some tv. And tv today had quite some interesting on apparently. I watch like Oprah(i know, why JOEL!) and mythbusters and some movies. But the more insideful show i watch today was mythbusters. The show was showing about whether a normal citizen could fly a aeroplane without any experiences and of course with help from the flight tower on ground control. And the answer is YES. it is plausible that we can fly planes with help from ground control. But this is very unlikely to happen cause no way that the pilot and the co-pilot end up dead or something wrong with them. if it happens also there is a Marshal on board the plane which Marshal also fly the plane. But is cool that they prove that a normal person without any experiences can fly a plane porvided there is a helping person on ground control to guide you through it.
Anyway, my day didn't end up just like that. i was preparing Word for my lifegroup today. And was thinking through what to say to them. I know that i sat down with Jay to discuss what topic to discuss on. So i pick Acts 2:40-47. Which i'm glad that i pick it. Cause we need to remember why we meet as a lifegroup every friday night at 830pm. After think a lot, i realize that it is easy to give Word. My Word or the Word of God that i got is simple, which comes down to just 5p. The 5P is Peach, Prayer, Power, Provide, Praise. and these 5P all put together as two main purpose which is edification and outreach.
Acts 2:40-41, tells us that many people wanted to follow the apostles and are hungry for more. And Peter gave it to them, why peach? i mean not that we should just blare out to people, telling them that they should receive Christ on the spot. Peach as it is a live life in life. Let our talk and action be messages of life to people around us. This peaching is like planting a seed into life around us. So let peach for God. Peaching is a form of outreach. Lets plants seeds
Acts 2:42, tell us that they were devoted to God and they pray daily. Prayer is powerful weapon forge from our God. to have marvelous communication with God to help us in your lifes. Is a form of edification. When all things are dark and evil, look upon Jesus as the source of to edify us. And prayer is also watering the seed we planted. Lets pray
Acts 2:43, tell us that when we pray, God will surely give us power. Power to use for His glory. Power to tell the world that Jesus is real. the people in the bible were see wonders and signs done by the apostles and them. Power is like the sun that is given to shine on the plant to grow to a big tree. Wonder and signs doesn't mean that God enables us to fly or walk on water or to change the weather. But power to change lifes and believe hopefully to heal too. Power which is the Holy Spirit working in us to help others around us. So Flame On!
Acts 2:44-45, tell us that they had everything in common and 45 tell us they sold everything. Which means they Provide. Provide. They had everything in common which means they teach each other, they tell each other secrets with one and other. They are transparent with one and other. They help each other. They provide whatever need, they need. To be strong as one big fortress for God. When one is down, they build each other up. Time of edifying. The seed that became a big tree, now growing fruits. Cause of the fellowship, the person mixes with. He learns to have a powerful relationship with Jesus. I'm not saying also that we must sell our stuff. No, that is God's bless upon us. For us modern time, it is offering. So lets us Provide each other with what we need for God's kingdom.
And finally Acts 2:46-47, tell us about them praising God for what they done in their lives. How that God gave them what they needed and even blessing them. We should praise Him daily, thank Him for what He has done. And i believe there will be a time that God will bless us with numbers daily to the church.
So Peach, Prayer, Power, Provide, Praise combine it and it comes out to be two items which is Edification and Outreach. Let us be gear up. Take on our cross and follow Jesus. 1 John 1:7, read it. Let us be commited to Jesus as He is already commited for us.
So today was somewhat a great day. i had a very late night sleep. i slept at 5am, you know why, so watching movies. hehe...so i woke up around 2pm today and had a weird headache. Anyway, i shower and went for lunch and watch some tv. And tv today had quite some interesting on apparently. I watch like Oprah(i know, why JOEL!) and mythbusters and some movies. But the more insideful show i watch today was mythbusters. The show was showing about whether a normal citizen could fly a aeroplane without any experiences and of course with help from the flight tower on ground control. And the answer is YES. it is plausible that we can fly planes with help from ground control. But this is very unlikely to happen cause no way that the pilot and the co-pilot end up dead or something wrong with them. if it happens also there is a Marshal on board the plane which Marshal also fly the plane. But is cool that they prove that a normal person without any experiences can fly a plane porvided there is a helping person on ground control to guide you through it.
Anyway, my day didn't end up just like that. i was preparing Word for my lifegroup today. And was thinking through what to say to them. I know that i sat down with Jay to discuss what topic to discuss on. So i pick Acts 2:40-47. Which i'm glad that i pick it. Cause we need to remember why we meet as a lifegroup every friday night at 830pm. After think a lot, i realize that it is easy to give Word. My Word or the Word of God that i got is simple, which comes down to just 5p. The 5P is Peach, Prayer, Power, Provide, Praise. and these 5P all put together as two main purpose which is edification and outreach.
Acts 2:40-41, tells us that many people wanted to follow the apostles and are hungry for more. And Peter gave it to them, why peach? i mean not that we should just blare out to people, telling them that they should receive Christ on the spot. Peach as it is a live life in life. Let our talk and action be messages of life to people around us. This peaching is like planting a seed into life around us. So let peach for God. Peaching is a form of outreach. Lets plants seeds
Acts 2:42, tell us that they were devoted to God and they pray daily. Prayer is powerful weapon forge from our God. to have marvelous communication with God to help us in your lifes. Is a form of edification. When all things are dark and evil, look upon Jesus as the source of to edify us. And prayer is also watering the seed we planted. Lets pray
Acts 2:43, tell us that when we pray, God will surely give us power. Power to use for His glory. Power to tell the world that Jesus is real. the people in the bible were see wonders and signs done by the apostles and them. Power is like the sun that is given to shine on the plant to grow to a big tree. Wonder and signs doesn't mean that God enables us to fly or walk on water or to change the weather. But power to change lifes and believe hopefully to heal too. Power which is the Holy Spirit working in us to help others around us. So Flame On!
Acts 2:44-45, tell us that they had everything in common and 45 tell us they sold everything. Which means they Provide. Provide. They had everything in common which means they teach each other, they tell each other secrets with one and other. They are transparent with one and other. They help each other. They provide whatever need, they need. To be strong as one big fortress for God. When one is down, they build each other up. Time of edifying. The seed that became a big tree, now growing fruits. Cause of the fellowship, the person mixes with. He learns to have a powerful relationship with Jesus. I'm not saying also that we must sell our stuff. No, that is God's bless upon us. For us modern time, it is offering. So lets us Provide each other with what we need for God's kingdom.
And finally Acts 2:46-47, tell us about them praising God for what they done in their lives. How that God gave them what they needed and even blessing them. We should praise Him daily, thank Him for what He has done. And i believe there will be a time that God will bless us with numbers daily to the church.
So Peach, Prayer, Power, Provide, Praise combine it and it comes out to be two items which is Edification and Outreach. Let us be gear up. Take on our cross and follow Jesus. 1 John 1:7, read it. Let us be commited to Jesus as He is already commited for us.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Movie Day
Hello everyone,
Today was a great day. I watch like severe movies today. And is all old shows and some of you might think is a stupid show or lame show or whatever. But i enjoy watching them anyway. So the movies i watch today are,
1. Click
2. The Bone Collector
3. Die Hard 4.0
4. John Tucker Must Die
5. Havoc
6. Speed Racer
7. Bee Movie
8. Matrix 1
9. The Untouchables
yea 8 shows. Wanted to watch more movies. But i couldn't cause i was to sleepy. I didn't have a lot a things to do today, went to jay's place for awhile to do the some Word discussion on how i should give Word for this friday. and went to Zach house to collect the YC teaser stuff for achieving. And doing some designs for our YC visitors card. But today i wanted to be a day just for movies and i can say that i'm deeply satisfied. But not all the shows i saw was really i want to watch but i'm happy to watch those movies. More movie days to come
Today was a great day. I watch like severe movies today. And is all old shows and some of you might think is a stupid show or lame show or whatever. But i enjoy watching them anyway. So the movies i watch today are,
1. Click
2. The Bone Collector
3. Die Hard 4.0
4. John Tucker Must Die
5. Havoc
6. Speed Racer
7. Bee Movie
8. Matrix 1
9. The Untouchables
yea 8 shows. Wanted to watch more movies. But i couldn't cause i was to sleepy. I didn't have a lot a things to do today, went to jay's place for awhile to do the some Word discussion on how i should give Word for this friday. and went to Zach house to collect the YC teaser stuff for achieving. And doing some designs for our YC visitors card. But today i wanted to be a day just for movies and i can say that i'm deeply satisfied. But not all the shows i saw was really i want to watch but i'm happy to watch those movies. More movie days to come
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Just A Thought
Hi all,
Today was just some what great. Woke up to train my jump. then went for lunch, watch severe movies then play basketball in the evening and chat with people online on msn. Anyway, today had a thought run through my head and it hit me when i talk to Joshua, my friend on something. And that something is quite a famous game, created many many years ago. That game is chess. Yea, chess, i not really a good player at chess. Cause i can't remember all the moves to counter your opponent. Anyway, we were laughing on things that you couldn't do chess like 4 player chess and how it might be so troublesome to play 4 player all free for all.
But i found out in the internet that there is a four player chess game. Just that is not played world-wide. I can't really explain to you, so i show you the game.
Today was just some what great. Woke up to train my jump. then went for lunch, watch severe movies then play basketball in the evening and chat with people online on msn. Anyway, today had a thought run through my head and it hit me when i talk to Joshua, my friend on something. And that something is quite a famous game, created many many years ago. That game is chess. Yea, chess, i not really a good player at chess. Cause i can't remember all the moves to counter your opponent. Anyway, we were laughing on things that you couldn't do chess like 4 player chess and how it might be so troublesome to play 4 player all free for all.
But i found out in the internet that there is a four player chess game. Just that is not played world-wide. I can't really explain to you, so i show you the game.
Manchester Orchestra
I Can Feel A Hot One
I could feel a hot one taking me down
For a moment, I could feel the force
Fainted to the point of tears
And you were holding on to make a point
What's the point?
I'm but a clean man, stable and alone man
Make it so I won't have to try
The faces always stay the same
So I face the fact that I'm just fine
I said that I'm just fine
I remember, head down,
After you had found out
Manna is a hell of a drug
And I need a little more, I think
Because enough is never quite enough
What's enough?
I took it like a grown man crying on the pavement
Hoping you would show your face
But I haven't heard a thing you've said
In at least a couple hundred days
What'd you say?
I was in the front seat, shaking it out
And I was asking if you felt alright
I never want to hear the truth
I want to hear your voice, it sounded fine
My voice, it sounded fine
I could feel my heartbeat taking me down
And for the moment, I would sleep alright
I'm ? with a selfish fear
To keep me up another restless night
Another restless night
The blood was dry, it was sober
The feeling of audible cracks
And I could tell it was over
From the curtains that hung from your neck
And I realized that then you were perfect
And my teeth ripping out of my head
And it looked like a painting I once knew
Back when my thoughts weren't entirely intact
To pray for what I thought were angels
Ended up being ambulances
And the Lord showed me dreams of my daughter
She was crying inside your stomach
And I felt love again
For a moment, I could feel the force
Fainted to the point of tears
And you were holding on to make a point
What's the point?
I'm but a clean man, stable and alone man
Make it so I won't have to try
The faces always stay the same
So I face the fact that I'm just fine
I said that I'm just fine
I remember, head down,
After you had found out
Manna is a hell of a drug
And I need a little more, I think
Because enough is never quite enough
What's enough?
I took it like a grown man crying on the pavement
Hoping you would show your face
But I haven't heard a thing you've said
In at least a couple hundred days
What'd you say?
I was in the front seat, shaking it out
And I was asking if you felt alright
I never want to hear the truth
I want to hear your voice, it sounded fine
My voice, it sounded fine
I could feel my heartbeat taking me down
And for the moment, I would sleep alright
I'm ? with a selfish fear
To keep me up another restless night
Another restless night
The blood was dry, it was sober
The feeling of audible cracks
And I could tell it was over
From the curtains that hung from your neck
And I realized that then you were perfect
And my teeth ripping out of my head
And it looked like a painting I once knew
Back when my thoughts weren't entirely intact
To pray for what I thought were angels
Ended up being ambulances
And the Lord showed me dreams of my daughter
She was crying inside your stomach
And I felt love again
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Down Hill...
Looks like Joel Paul Toh is heading a down hill super low power. I don't know why. Maybe is just me. i see many people in my life have come and gone so fast. People around has see me as the person from the past. I have become no power.
Looks like Joel Paul Toh is heading a down hill super low power. I don't know why. Maybe is just me. i see many people in my life have come and gone so fast. People around has see me as the person from the past. I have become no power.
What am i to you now?
What have i done wrong?
Are you pointing fingers at me?
What have i done wrong?
Are you pointing fingers at me?
I think people in my life have just lost their inspiration to me. Their fire is at medium. Some thing is not right la. I think i'm beginning to think to run away. Run away where? I don't know. Just run away. I have become a nobody to you. I have die in each of every ones hearts. i have become a shadow of the past. People are not seeing me anymore. What better thing to do than run away. Run away far far far away. Where people cannot contact me, where people are new. As i come to see now that i'm not a role model to others. I'm not a person who has change anyones lives. Lucky me that i'm a background person. i hide in the background, doing the work behind the scene. I think i just want to run away now. run away. My heart is broken. Love is shall not on theses humans. Only God i shall love. Take me home God. i want to leave this planet fast. i have no use to these humans anymore. they have suck me dry already and left me to die. Take me home. Take me home.
Monday, September 15, 2008
I got nothing much to post for today. Didn't do much today, just went shopping with mom and dad and then later come back home just sleep some more. That is my day for monday. Maybe tomorrow i will wake up early to train my basketball skills. 730am it will be. Or maybe i just get my project going. Or maybe just call some people up and ask them how they are doing to encourage others. Or just be emo tomorrow.
My days are number. People all around seems to drift away from me. is like me as a fish in a lonely pond and went i move into the crowd, they all disperse. i don't know why. Maybe is just me. Is like everyday i walk a lonely road. Maybe is just me. Is it that i'm to direct with people that people are scare to talk to me cause it might offend you and hurt your feelings? I think i just have end up with no friends. Only Jesus, God, and Holy-spirit is my friend. What is friendship or friend? is it when my friend is down i confort him/her or is it love without any conditions. Where everyday is a fun day with my friends. I think i'm just being schizophrenia. Some times i just prefer to run away. Become some one else in a distant country, change my name, learn a new language.
Well, i can't do it. Cause i love my friends and family. i know that all of you are busy little people doing your own little thing everyday that you have no time for me. haha, i know i'm being self-absorbing/selfish here. i wish that God/Jesus/Holy-spirit could speak back to me. Like having a intimate chat with. Pray seems one way and God might answer back with wait or no or yes or wait longer or just tell you a different answer.
i think is just me being emo today la. I so hate being emo. Doesn't satisfy anything. Hate feelings. It always gives out the wrong signals. Joel, you must be always be joyful cause Jesus is the cause of it. And you must give joy to others around you. You are good at making people laugh and have a crazy time with you. Only you can do that. No more emotions, emotions i die to you, you are out of my life, get out of my house. Don't care about other people think of you, ou just do your own stuff for God, and reach out to new people.
Emo la,
I got nothing much to post for today. Didn't do much today, just went shopping with mom and dad and then later come back home just sleep some more. That is my day for monday. Maybe tomorrow i will wake up early to train my basketball skills. 730am it will be. Or maybe i just get my project going. Or maybe just call some people up and ask them how they are doing to encourage others. Or just be emo tomorrow.
My days are number. People all around seems to drift away from me. is like me as a fish in a lonely pond and went i move into the crowd, they all disperse. i don't know why. Maybe is just me. Is like everyday i walk a lonely road. Maybe is just me. Is it that i'm to direct with people that people are scare to talk to me cause it might offend you and hurt your feelings? I think i just have end up with no friends. Only Jesus, God, and Holy-spirit is my friend. What is friendship or friend? is it when my friend is down i confort him/her or is it love without any conditions. Where everyday is a fun day with my friends. I think i'm just being schizophrenia. Some times i just prefer to run away. Become some one else in a distant country, change my name, learn a new language.
Well, i can't do it. Cause i love my friends and family. i know that all of you are busy little people doing your own little thing everyday that you have no time for me. haha, i know i'm being self-absorbing/selfish here. i wish that God/Jesus/Holy-spirit could speak back to me. Like having a intimate chat with. Pray seems one way and God might answer back with wait or no or yes or wait longer or just tell you a different answer.
i think is just me being emo today la. I so hate being emo. Doesn't satisfy anything. Hate feelings. It always gives out the wrong signals. Joel, you must be always be joyful cause Jesus is the cause of it. And you must give joy to others around you. You are good at making people laugh and have a crazy time with you. Only you can do that. No more emotions, emotions i die to you, you are out of my life, get out of my house. Don't care about other people think of you, ou just do your own stuff for God, and reach out to new people.
Emo la,
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Today was any exciting day. Cause i was hype up over the YC teaser. It is because i'm the artist behind the drawings. Hope many of you like it. i did my best. Anyway, it is also a long time that my dad has peach at CBC Subang. i actually do enjoy listening to my dad's sermons. I like strong sermons. where it challenges the mind and heart and spirit. I think my dad over the years of listening to his sermon has become now even better then when i first listen. I not saying that the other pastors sermons are not good, they are beyond good. They are excellence and powerful.
I always like the word that my father use a lot. Which is love is obey, obey is love. And is very truth. I think this is should be the very bottom of our hearts. Love and Obey goes side by side. God loves us so much, and in return we should obey with all our hearts. That should be the first thing, Obey.
Anyway, besides today church. A bunch of us went to eat at ming tien near pyramid. It was a fun and crazy time. Talk alot of crap for me, i didn't know what was going on the other table. Maybe they were discussing about some politics or BGR or GG or some other show or i don't know. I don't really like discussing all does things expect for shows or movies or crap. BGR and politics is not my department of interests. Well for me i just like to make people laugh and do crazy things. Just to see peoples faces happy and smiling is just a site to remember. And it also makes me glad that people are enjoying their time spent with me. Thats for me.
So tonight was lantern night, i and a bunch of us went to eat at f4(meteor garden) was quite ok la. everyone just don't know what i'm calling about the food. Oh well that is the problem when you can't speak chinese. After that we went to Aunt Jo place to play with lantern. And for me, i don't like lantern but i like fire. Seeing the site of fire is just so pleasing to me. Warm heart. =)
i guess it is pretty much today events that happen already. What will tomorrow be?
the past is history, the future is a mystery, and the present is a gift.
Today was any exciting day. Cause i was hype up over the YC teaser. It is because i'm the artist behind the drawings. Hope many of you like it. i did my best. Anyway, it is also a long time that my dad has peach at CBC Subang. i actually do enjoy listening to my dad's sermons. I like strong sermons. where it challenges the mind and heart and spirit. I think my dad over the years of listening to his sermon has become now even better then when i first listen. I not saying that the other pastors sermons are not good, they are beyond good. They are excellence and powerful.
I always like the word that my father use a lot. Which is love is obey, obey is love. And is very truth. I think this is should be the very bottom of our hearts. Love and Obey goes side by side. God loves us so much, and in return we should obey with all our hearts. That should be the first thing, Obey.
Anyway, besides today church. A bunch of us went to eat at ming tien near pyramid. It was a fun and crazy time. Talk alot of crap for me, i didn't know what was going on the other table. Maybe they were discussing about some politics or BGR or GG or some other show or i don't know. I don't really like discussing all does things expect for shows or movies or crap. BGR and politics is not my department of interests. Well for me i just like to make people laugh and do crazy things. Just to see peoples faces happy and smiling is just a site to remember. And it also makes me glad that people are enjoying their time spent with me. Thats for me.
So tonight was lantern night, i and a bunch of us went to eat at f4(meteor garden) was quite ok la. everyone just don't know what i'm calling about the food. Oh well that is the problem when you can't speak chinese. After that we went to Aunt Jo place to play with lantern. And for me, i don't like lantern but i like fire. Seeing the site of fire is just so pleasing to me. Warm heart. =)
i guess it is pretty much today events that happen already. What will tomorrow be?
the past is history, the future is a mystery, and the present is a gift.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Oh Hi,
My day started slow. I wake up to the ringing of my mother's voice in the morning at 10plus am. To find out that she wants something from me which is to go online and pay the deposit money for my admission to Liberty University. Yea, my mother found out that they were giving a huge discount before the 15th of September to all students, who are applying. So for me i was half-dead in my sleep trying to concreted on what my mother was scolding me all about but i couldn't careless. Anyway, the payment was online and it was quick, less then 10 minute it as done. And at the end my mom was happy that it was fast and painless, so she left me to my sleep.
Then i went back to sleep, with so many dreams to remember. The dreams were the good, the bad, the fun, and the ****ness. Woke up to the sounds of workers drilling some stuff near by my house, actually opposite my house. The neighbor was doing some minor rebuilding work to his house. So i had to wake up and take a shower and went for lunch. As i was walking down to the tv room, i was shock that my dad was at home. Usually he and mom are most not at home during weekends. They are always attending some kind of meeting all the time. In the end, i have to buy lunch for my dad too. And you know what he wants for lunch, Asam mee. And i do not know how to order that. My dad have to teach me how to said it.
After lunch i was quite sleepy and wanted to sleep. And then i hear a loud buzzing sound coming from my bedtable. The sound of x-men theme song playing and vibrating on the table which was rattling all over the table. i recieve a call and a sms. Which the person wants me to go play basketball at 4pm. So i say yes, i was planing to sleep the whole day to rest my this human body. i wake up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing when it is time to play basketball. i was so tired and was like dead. i was not on form. So i played a slow game.
Cause i wanted to be ready for a more bigger event which was at night. The night i was able to be in contact with all my classmates from Sri Sempurna. To see them face to face again after 2 years was like going to school again. And most of them didn't change much, maybe their hair and style. But i have a lot of fun. Such old memories of each of everyone of them is so heart warming. We have our laughs, sadness, seriousness, crazyness and studyness. But the worse thing was that all of them are in college already and all of them say to me 'what are you doing?' and i say 'bumming'. They were all stun cause i'm bumming for 2 years. So yea, Joel Mr.bummer. I had my great time with them in the party. In the end, we might be meeting another time at the end of this month.
i think i have a great saturday, I watch futurama movie again to have so good laughs. And to know what is that creature name. It is YIVO. OMG la.
Sunday is going to be great...come and celebrate at CBC Subang-Sunway, where great things are happening. smiles everywhere. =)
My day started slow. I wake up to the ringing of my mother's voice in the morning at 10plus am. To find out that she wants something from me which is to go online and pay the deposit money for my admission to Liberty University. Yea, my mother found out that they were giving a huge discount before the 15th of September to all students, who are applying. So for me i was half-dead in my sleep trying to concreted on what my mother was scolding me all about but i couldn't careless. Anyway, the payment was online and it was quick, less then 10 minute it as done. And at the end my mom was happy that it was fast and painless, so she left me to my sleep.
Then i went back to sleep, with so many dreams to remember. The dreams were the good, the bad, the fun, and the ****ness. Woke up to the sounds of workers drilling some stuff near by my house, actually opposite my house. The neighbor was doing some minor rebuilding work to his house. So i had to wake up and take a shower and went for lunch. As i was walking down to the tv room, i was shock that my dad was at home. Usually he and mom are most not at home during weekends. They are always attending some kind of meeting all the time. In the end, i have to buy lunch for my dad too. And you know what he wants for lunch, Asam mee. And i do not know how to order that. My dad have to teach me how to said it.
After lunch i was quite sleepy and wanted to sleep. And then i hear a loud buzzing sound coming from my bedtable. The sound of x-men theme song playing and vibrating on the table which was rattling all over the table. i recieve a call and a sms. Which the person wants me to go play basketball at 4pm. So i say yes, i was planing to sleep the whole day to rest my this human body. i wake up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing when it is time to play basketball. i was so tired and was like dead. i was not on form. So i played a slow game.
Cause i wanted to be ready for a more bigger event which was at night. The night i was able to be in contact with all my classmates from Sri Sempurna. To see them face to face again after 2 years was like going to school again. And most of them didn't change much, maybe their hair and style. But i have a lot of fun. Such old memories of each of everyone of them is so heart warming. We have our laughs, sadness, seriousness, crazyness and studyness. But the worse thing was that all of them are in college already and all of them say to me 'what are you doing?' and i say 'bumming'. They were all stun cause i'm bumming for 2 years. So yea, Joel Mr.bummer. I had my great time with them in the party. In the end, we might be meeting another time at the end of this month.
i think i have a great saturday, I watch futurama movie again to have so good laughs. And to know what is that creature name. It is YIVO. OMG la.
Sunday is going to be great...come and celebrate at CBC Subang-Sunway, where great things are happening. smiles everywhere. =)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Another Day of Information Overload!
Today was another great session with Mr. Ron Choong. And is a good topic that he touch on. It got me to understand God better and the things that man tries to imagine what is God. I can't tell you much. But for you to go for it and hear it yourself or just go to his website. There is many things he spoke about and is very insideful. And all this thing we say we know, but some how we can't explain it to our friends. Anyway, is good stuff la. Really Enjoy what he talk about.
i like what he say about us Christians, That there is two types of Christians. Which is Believes and Faithers. Believes are type of Christians that still need reassurents and need to be spoon feed by God. Where Faithers are Christians that no need to be spoon feed but they are the ones leading us and helping the Believes to become Faithers. Is like a child, where he needs his parents to guide him until the child makes a point in life where he does need his parents guidence but the child knows that his parents are watching him always. That is all i need to post.
Another thing is that Gossip Girl that i know that have shown a squash scene. You tell me what show shows you a squash scene. And it is Chuck and Lord Marcus playing squash together. I wonder how they shoot that scene. Gossip Girl has lift up to their standards. A squash scene. Just WOW. =) can't wait for episode 3.
Today was another great session with Mr. Ron Choong. And is a good topic that he touch on. It got me to understand God better and the things that man tries to imagine what is God. I can't tell you much. But for you to go for it and hear it yourself or just go to his website. There is many things he spoke about and is very insideful. And all this thing we say we know, but some how we can't explain it to our friends. Anyway, is good stuff la. Really Enjoy what he talk about.
i like what he say about us Christians, That there is two types of Christians. Which is Believes and Faithers. Believes are type of Christians that still need reassurents and need to be spoon feed by God. Where Faithers are Christians that no need to be spoon feed but they are the ones leading us and helping the Believes to become Faithers. Is like a child, where he needs his parents to guide him until the child makes a point in life where he does need his parents guidence but the child knows that his parents are watching him always. That is all i need to post.
Another thing is that Gossip Girl that i know that have shown a squash scene. You tell me what show shows you a squash scene. And it is Chuck and Lord Marcus playing squash together. I wonder how they shoot that scene. Gossip Girl has lift up to their standards. A squash scene. Just WOW. =) can't wait for episode 3.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Infomation OverLoad!
Hey brainys,
Today i just when to most overloading of information. Is a seminar. That my dad and mom ask me to go, so i follow them to it. And the speaker, is none other than any other remember of our church, Mr Ron Choong. He is such a informative person. I can just sit there and just listen to him going going about whatever he wants to say. And in fact he is a very interesting person i ever meet. Oh today seminar is about the bible and how it came about...crap i just forgot the title. Anyway, the talk is actually a summary. His talk was very very insideful i have to say. And he has shade new light about the bible. i think i shall not type about it in this post or any other post cause i might break or hurt many if i tell you all. i'll just put this, inerrancy, trustworthy, inspiring, authority. And God word is more than sufficient for us to live and if know to much is going to hard for us. Err...this is a joke that i thought of the bible, that the bible has a acronym which called
Today i just when to most overloading of information. Is a seminar. That my dad and mom ask me to go, so i follow them to it. And the speaker, is none other than any other remember of our church, Mr Ron Choong. He is such a informative person. I can just sit there and just listen to him going going about whatever he wants to say. And in fact he is a very interesting person i ever meet. Oh today seminar is about the bible and how it came about...crap i just forgot the title. Anyway, the talk is actually a summary. His talk was very very insideful i have to say. And he has shade new light about the bible. i think i shall not type about it in this post or any other post cause i might break or hurt many if i tell you all. i'll just put this, inerrancy, trustworthy, inspiring, authority. And God word is more than sufficient for us to live and if know to much is going to hard for us. Err...this is a joke that i thought of the bible, that the bible has a acronym which called
Basic Intructions Before Leaving Earth
HEHEHEHhehhehheHEHEHHE......is not real ok...is just a joke. Don't take it as real ok. The bible has no acronym. The bible has its' meaning. And he(Ron Choong) didn't tell this ok. I just figure in my head and is funny. (man i'm like my dad...AHAHAHhhaaahhh...so LAME!) >.<. Anyway tomorrow is about other religion. Is a Must Go For All of Us...it will help us to understand our friends better and be more easier for us to reach out to them. Actually we can bring them along to this seminar...cause they can ask any questions. i promise it will be fun. Please go for this. Tomorrow as in friday and i know is life group and i know we are having excitment in the lifegroup now. But is good to go for this. Friday at FGA at 830pm. speaker Ron Choong.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Heyllo friends,
there is a update on the Monday, September 8, 2008 on the list, hehe. click "here" Forgot to put in one thing la. Which is a pendrive which also i need a lot la. i don't need so many, just one will do. i know on christmas day i sure get about two or three or even none. Well i just need it la, i don't want to bring my ipod cable every where and is toublesome. But a pendrive is small and easy to carry around and it will be cool to have one =). Well i don't need so big or to small the gb space. Around 2gb to 4gb would be just fine. I do really need one to come to think of it. Hope i'll get it for christmas or birthday, hehe.
pendrive pals,
there is a update on the Monday, September 8, 2008 on the list, hehe. click "here" Forgot to put in one thing la. Which is a pendrive which also i need a lot la. i don't need so many, just one will do. i know on christmas day i sure get about two or three or even none. Well i just need it la, i don't want to bring my ipod cable every where and is toublesome. But a pendrive is small and easy to carry around and it will be cool to have one =). Well i don't need so big or to small the gb space. Around 2gb to 4gb would be just fine. I do really need one to come to think of it. Hope i'll get it for christmas or birthday, hehe.
pendrive pals,
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
My Biggest Dream, Hope it be Real
My dream or my vision or my real hope is to be a real successful basketball player in either in NBA or EURO ball. i really want to be a basketball player to play for a basketball team. I really do like the game a lot. Always in the search to be better in my game. Always learning of great players from the past and present. I don't know why i like the same sport as my dad which is squash. I do play squash but is seems that it doesn't stream down in my blood. Basketball flow into my veins and always had that burning desire to play basketball.
I know i'm sometimes play emotionally at the basketball at times. Cause i desire to be better at the game. It will be cool, if i get the chance to play in NBA for a basketball team. Imagine, someone you know has gone to the NBA and you know him personally. People will be dieing to know how he is, what he likes, and questions will flow about that person. And the money that NBA gives is just wonderful. If i become a NBA player, hope i will be someone, who can influence the world. A malaysian christian basketball player playing in this team doing some amazing numbers on his record. i know i can't be as great as jordan or kobe or lebron or larry bird or any other NBA player. But someone with great passion for the game.
And the money, i know money is good but i think that i don't need all the money i earn. I can give it to my church for greater good for God's kingdom. The money to help so many lifes to be save their souls for Jesus Christ. Maybe i just have 1/4 of my earning the 3/4 for God's kingdom, if i get to join the NBA or if i'm earning big loads of money. Then maybe make a christian NBA basketball team to go around using basketball to reach out the world, telling Jesus Christ as who He is and the wonderful things that Jesus Christ can Give. Wouldn't it be great.
Everyday i have been dreaming about this. Since the day i first play basketball, i have been dreaming about it. I can imagine the announcer calling me into the basketball court. "Now, this guy, who is from all the way from Asia, standing at 6feet tall, playing the point guard position. Many have nickname him 'flameOn', he brings a firely passion into the game. Now presenting, wearing the number 8 jersey, Joooooeeeelllllll PPPPPaauuuulllllll"......music play. Seeing the crowd as i slow jog in, all standing up, cheering for me. Feeling so electrify and the burn. Give the crowd a good, well deserve game. Commenters saying like "Wow this guys is one amazing fella. He is from malaysia and everyday he says than he train hard and then he came here to actually to study but one of the NBA scouts saw how he play and he was blown away of how this guy, Joel plays in college". "And quickly sign he on to a NBA contact". "Well, i guess he is a role model and a pioneer for kids all over the world especially Malaysia". "i think many NBA scouts are going to head down to South East Asia to scout on new talent to bring into the NBA". "He really put Malaysia on the Map". "And you know what buddy", "what", "he doesn't just play basketball, he helps full time in churchs, bring someone that is influencing people to follow Christ". "He is one strong believer in Christ, well buddy i think i want to be a christian too, is not because of him but he has show how God is wonderful to many people lifes". "Yea, you are right buddy" and so on so on so on. I think it would be cool.
I know many people of you guys and even my parents say i can't make it. Saying like NBA is a Blackman sport is not for you Yellowman. They will outrun you, out play you, out jump you, and etc. You have to be at least 6'2 feet tall to play basketball. You can't dunk. So much Negativesness. No wonder people are narrow minded. And just full of negativeness. I have just block all this thoughts and just move on as God leads me. If God really wants me there, He will provide the way. I know many also have encourage me on this. But yet again, is all God decision which i also must make. Well is my dream, my vision. =)
Every night i can just hear the people cheering, seeing people getting save, and lives change. i see me doing like 17.3 points per game, 2.3 steals per game, 2.9 rebounds per game, 6.4 assist per game. i know is not amazing numbers. But is something realistic. I wish some NBA scout would be reading this post and he will fly down here to search for me and ask me to show him some moves that i know, and whether i would able to play the NBA. I will be praying for it.
Dear NBA scout, if you are reading this post, feel free to contact me at zenderzous@yahoo.com to make arrangements to meet. Don't try to fake me out. If you cheat me, God will know and God will never forget. God bless
Yours sincerely,
My dream or my vision or my real hope is to be a real successful basketball player in either in NBA or EURO ball. i really want to be a basketball player to play for a basketball team. I really do like the game a lot. Always in the search to be better in my game. Always learning of great players from the past and present. I don't know why i like the same sport as my dad which is squash. I do play squash but is seems that it doesn't stream down in my blood. Basketball flow into my veins and always had that burning desire to play basketball.
I know i'm sometimes play emotionally at the basketball at times. Cause i desire to be better at the game. It will be cool, if i get the chance to play in NBA for a basketball team. Imagine, someone you know has gone to the NBA and you know him personally. People will be dieing to know how he is, what he likes, and questions will flow about that person. And the money that NBA gives is just wonderful. If i become a NBA player, hope i will be someone, who can influence the world. A malaysian christian basketball player playing in this team doing some amazing numbers on his record. i know i can't be as great as jordan or kobe or lebron or larry bird or any other NBA player. But someone with great passion for the game.
And the money, i know money is good but i think that i don't need all the money i earn. I can give it to my church for greater good for God's kingdom. The money to help so many lifes to be save their souls for Jesus Christ. Maybe i just have 1/4 of my earning the 3/4 for God's kingdom, if i get to join the NBA or if i'm earning big loads of money. Then maybe make a christian NBA basketball team to go around using basketball to reach out the world, telling Jesus Christ as who He is and the wonderful things that Jesus Christ can Give. Wouldn't it be great.
Everyday i have been dreaming about this. Since the day i first play basketball, i have been dreaming about it. I can imagine the announcer calling me into the basketball court. "Now, this guy, who is from all the way from Asia, standing at 6feet tall, playing the point guard position. Many have nickname him 'flameOn', he brings a firely passion into the game. Now presenting, wearing the number 8 jersey, Joooooeeeelllllll PPPPPaauuuulllllll"......music play. Seeing the crowd as i slow jog in, all standing up, cheering for me. Feeling so electrify and the burn. Give the crowd a good, well deserve game. Commenters saying like "Wow this guys is one amazing fella. He is from malaysia and everyday he says than he train hard and then he came here to actually to study but one of the NBA scouts saw how he play and he was blown away of how this guy, Joel plays in college". "And quickly sign he on to a NBA contact". "Well, i guess he is a role model and a pioneer for kids all over the world especially Malaysia". "i think many NBA scouts are going to head down to South East Asia to scout on new talent to bring into the NBA". "He really put Malaysia on the Map". "And you know what buddy", "what", "he doesn't just play basketball, he helps full time in churchs, bring someone that is influencing people to follow Christ". "He is one strong believer in Christ, well buddy i think i want to be a christian too, is not because of him but he has show how God is wonderful to many people lifes". "Yea, you are right buddy" and so on so on so on. I think it would be cool.
I know many people of you guys and even my parents say i can't make it. Saying like NBA is a Blackman sport is not for you Yellowman. They will outrun you, out play you, out jump you, and etc. You have to be at least 6'2 feet tall to play basketball. You can't dunk. So much Negativesness. No wonder people are narrow minded. And just full of negativeness. I have just block all this thoughts and just move on as God leads me. If God really wants me there, He will provide the way. I know many also have encourage me on this. But yet again, is all God decision which i also must make. Well is my dream, my vision. =)
Every night i can just hear the people cheering, seeing people getting save, and lives change. i see me doing like 17.3 points per game, 2.3 steals per game, 2.9 rebounds per game, 6.4 assist per game. i know is not amazing numbers. But is something realistic. I wish some NBA scout would be reading this post and he will fly down here to search for me and ask me to show him some moves that i know, and whether i would able to play the NBA. I will be praying for it.
Dear NBA scout, if you are reading this post, feel free to contact me at zenderzous@yahoo.com to make arrangements to meet. Don't try to fake me out. If you cheat me, God will know and God will never forget. God bless
Yours sincerely,
Monday, September 8, 2008
The Wish List.
Ok, i know that i have post it before but this is going according and in order of what i want. 1 as the most i want and so on so on. So here it comes....
1. A new handphone
-Sony Ericsson Z710i
-Iphone 3G
2. 1 Terabyte Harddrive or 250gb or 320gb harddrive...prefer to have western digital or a pendrive la actually i need one pendrive. well you can get me a 2gb-4gb should be fine. need one
3. A new wallet - i don't want with velcro wallets. i want it flip and flat type. little bit higher than pasar malam please.
4. Nike travelling Bag
5. Zippo lighter. which is lasered with 'Joel Paul the Addict' slightly at the bottom and at the top 'Flame On!'
6. 2 new basketball, i don't mind Nike 3000 or Spalding or Molten
7. Nike short pants - my waist is about 26 -29 cm around. As long it just cover my knees.
8. Nike long pants - same but long la
9. N'sync greatest hits
10. Toy sword(like Jay's one)
11. Grimlock - i want the old version, which is blue. don't know, click on this Grimlockold
12. Nike shoes
-basketball: zoom bb, hypedunk, ultraflight
13. Nike swoosh collar shirts: Bright blue, orange
14. Nike shirt with the word: Why drive, When you can Fly
15. A watch: Swatch will do. simple la. or even better Nike watch
16. will the rest in the other post which is 'clickthisla'
So i want the handphone the most la, and the rest is cool if you get me one of them. i know nearly everything is Nike, i know i know. So here is not so Nike list, not according by order
1. collar shirts - i like one color shirt or two color shirts like have stripe.
2. Short pants
3. A sketch book
4. A big art block book
5. Color pencils like 100 over color pencils
6. Spray paint, any color la prefer orange, neon colors,
7. bandannas
8. Worship cds - as long is not planetshakes, is fine
9. Gossip girl book. i got the tv series but no book. =)
10. travelling bag which can shoulder carry. not bag pack. Something like this, example is like those tennis players, when they walk into the court, they have two bags, one is the racketbag and the other is to keep whatever is inside the other bag.
11. Pendrive, seriously need one. either a 2gb-4gb pendrive i need, hehe
i think it should be all...but the most i want is the handphone...i cannot tahan my phone already is just to......don't know what to say la. if only i'm rich and can afford anything would be great.
Ok, i know that i have post it before but this is going according and in order of what i want. 1 as the most i want and so on so on. So here it comes....
1. A new handphone
-Sony Ericsson Z710i
-Iphone 3G
2. 1 Terabyte Harddrive or 250gb or 320gb harddrive...prefer to have western digital or a pendrive la actually i need one pendrive. well you can get me a 2gb-4gb should be fine. need one
3. A new wallet - i don't want with velcro wallets. i want it flip and flat type. little bit higher than pasar malam please.
4. Nike travelling Bag
5. Zippo lighter. which is lasered with 'Joel Paul the Addict' slightly at the bottom and at the top 'Flame On!'
6. 2 new basketball, i don't mind Nike 3000 or Spalding or Molten
7. Nike short pants - my waist is about 26 -29 cm around. As long it just cover my knees.
8. Nike long pants - same but long la
9. N'sync greatest hits
10. Toy sword(like Jay's one)
11. Grimlock - i want the old version, which is blue. don't know, click on this Grimlockold
12. Nike shoes
-basketball: zoom bb, hypedunk, ultraflight
13. Nike swoosh collar shirts: Bright blue, orange
14. Nike shirt with the word: Why drive, When you can Fly
15. A watch: Swatch will do. simple la. or even better Nike watch
16. will the rest in the other post which is 'clickthisla'
So i want the handphone the most la, and the rest is cool if you get me one of them. i know nearly everything is Nike, i know i know. So here is not so Nike list, not according by order
1. collar shirts - i like one color shirt or two color shirts like have stripe.
2. Short pants
3. A sketch book
4. A big art block book
5. Color pencils like 100 over color pencils
6. Spray paint, any color la prefer orange, neon colors,
7. bandannas
8. Worship cds - as long is not planetshakes, is fine
9. Gossip girl book. i got the tv series but no book. =)
10. travelling bag which can shoulder carry. not bag pack. Something like this, example is like those tennis players, when they walk into the court, they have two bags, one is the racketbag and the other is to keep whatever is inside the other bag.
11. Pendrive, seriously need one. either a 2gb-4gb pendrive i need, hehe
i think it should be all...but the most i want is the handphone...i cannot tahan my phone already is just to......don't know what to say la. if only i'm rich and can afford anything would be great.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Motion City Sountrack
This is a song from Motion City Soundtrack which is called Fell In Love Without you
Last night I fell in love without you.
I waved goodbye to that heart of mine beating solo on your lawn.
Every aching wound will cauterize and bruise,
In memory of what we used to call "in love."
And only time will tell if violins will swell,
In memory of what we used to call, "in love."
Last night I fell in love without you.
The Coup De Grace that set me off would have made for decent fiction.
Every aching wound will cauterize and bruise,
In memory of what we used to call "in love."
And only time will tell if violins will swell,
In memory of what we used to call, "in love."
Last night I fell in love without you.
The stars at night aren't as big and bright as you make them out to be.
And every aching wound will cauterize and bruise,
In memory of what we used to call "in love."
And only time will tell if violins will swell,
In memory of what we used to call "in love."
In memory of when we used to call it: "love."
What a song, is just...can't explain la.
dots dots dots,
dots dots dots,
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Only Time will Tell
Heyo people,
is been nearly two years of my life Gone. But none really gone, just more of bumming. i have to say that this two years have been a lot of surprises for me. I think God has mold me really hard till i'm quite sensitive towards Him. i believe that God is directing my paths in what He wants me to do for Him. Is hard to explain to you fellas. Two years was also quite 'stress' for me. (i know many of you must be saying know 'Joel stress, BULLSHIT!!!) wait la, i haven't finish my lines. 'Stress' because i need to get into a school quick. And i'm being to get quite sick with people saying 'So when are you going to US' or 'Are you in College?'. i did my best to get into college. But i can't cause is always not enough credits. Not enough credits in what i want to study in. which is very 'stressful'
Sometime i been think, what happens if i don't get into a school which means i have to go into ministry school. And be the youngest pastor to come out with PHD in ministry. (i do not want to this cause is not calling yet for me and i believe He will come me into it when He thinks i'm ready for it). But to think of it i won't get even expose to the worldly world, where people will toughed me up. And i can't get good advise about how they should live their lifes. So that is one of the bad things of being a young pastor. So How?
Many has tell me to study here but here don't have my course. Then people say study in Australia, then i'll say i'll think about it. Then people say study ADP or AUP, and i say yeap will do that but i try and they say not enough credits cause all ADP or AUp courses will accept people with the minimun of five credits. Hiaz...sometime i think that i could do better in school. If only i was a smart boy, if only, if only, if only can go on forever. I wish that money could drop from the sky like rain everyday. can't take it la. Hope things can become easy for me. Seeing every one growing up and soon or later i'm going to be left behind and my world be small and lonely, luckyly that i'm a christian, people that care for each and other. In this two years i thought of ******G *****f but God stop me. i feel so useless, i'm only useful in church. The things i want to study is so hard to find here or that school is just to expensive. So what i want to study
1.Kinesiology(sport all in this department)
2.interior design
4.sound engieering
6.computers(i don't really know much in computers)
7.this is really the last resort, Ministry.
So much perssure is on me now, i'm beginning to feel it all over again. i know i have told to many of you that i already got a place in a University in Virginia in USA. But is only study probation. Which is good and bad at the same time. Cause the bad part first, which is i fail then i'm going to fly back here and everyone is going to step on me. (i know many of you won't). the Good, if i pass i will have bright future ahead of me. i will have many sholarships waiting and i will definitely have a great time there. BUT see there is a big BUT. BUT my parents want me to study here as like a study probation thingy and then transfer there. So my parents are making a big HUHA over it, ask the Uni in US to give a permission letter to study here and hopefully the credits are transferable. Another big HUHA is to study back into school again to get 5 credits again. which i'm like **** emo about it. What to do if i have only 4 credits. Sometime i just want to ***l *****f. If only, if only, if only.....stress la. Many say pray, yea pray, pray but no action also problem still there maybe just less. If God wants me to go US and study there, then the way there should be fine. If God wants me there, then i'll go. Life is hard. And hard gets going.
Sometimes i feel that my ******s should help me financially, don't need to pay all just help out. somtimes i wish education should come free where people are just willing to teach one and other.
like last time, where people just teach each other like internship. Like if you need to know how to repair shoes, so you go to a shoe maker, but in return you must teach something to the shoe maker, something that you know very well. I wish that education would be easy. Like if you want to study that course, is ok as long you have the money to pay the course, no need to look at your grades. If someone is instersted in something, he would study hard for it and i believe that person would make a differents in whatever department he studys on. The education system shouldn't look at your highschool grades in order for you to get into the course. it should be like from kindergarten to primary school to highschool to college to university. In the end we all going to work. So why from highschool to college, where people need to see your results whether you are good to study in this course. Is just plain BULLSHIT. Education is something that is easy for people to study.
i'm just stress la, hate this world, you can't even offer me anything back that is worth living. No, thank you for air you give me, in the end you just pollute it again. No, thanks for the water, in the end is also as much polluted. World you have nothing to offer me, Only one person can which is GOD. He is the only person i can only rely on. Only person i trust. Only person to have been so faithful to me. World you are just rubbish. You are not helping the people, is always you, you, you.
dieing here,
is been nearly two years of my life Gone. But none really gone, just more of bumming. i have to say that this two years have been a lot of surprises for me. I think God has mold me really hard till i'm quite sensitive towards Him. i believe that God is directing my paths in what He wants me to do for Him. Is hard to explain to you fellas. Two years was also quite 'stress' for me. (i know many of you must be saying know 'Joel stress, BULLSHIT!!!) wait la, i haven't finish my lines. 'Stress' because i need to get into a school quick. And i'm being to get quite sick with people saying 'So when are you going to US' or 'Are you in College?'. i did my best to get into college. But i can't cause is always not enough credits. Not enough credits in what i want to study in. which is very 'stressful'
Sometime i been think, what happens if i don't get into a school which means i have to go into ministry school. And be the youngest pastor to come out with PHD in ministry. (i do not want to this cause is not calling yet for me and i believe He will come me into it when He thinks i'm ready for it). But to think of it i won't get even expose to the worldly world, where people will toughed me up. And i can't get good advise about how they should live their lifes. So that is one of the bad things of being a young pastor. So How?
Many has tell me to study here but here don't have my course. Then people say study in Australia, then i'll say i'll think about it. Then people say study ADP or AUP, and i say yeap will do that but i try and they say not enough credits cause all ADP or AUp courses will accept people with the minimun of five credits. Hiaz...sometime i think that i could do better in school. If only i was a smart boy, if only, if only, if only can go on forever. I wish that money could drop from the sky like rain everyday. can't take it la. Hope things can become easy for me. Seeing every one growing up and soon or later i'm going to be left behind and my world be small and lonely, luckyly that i'm a christian, people that care for each and other. In this two years i thought of ******G *****f but God stop me. i feel so useless, i'm only useful in church. The things i want to study is so hard to find here or that school is just to expensive. So what i want to study
1.Kinesiology(sport all in this department)
2.interior design
4.sound engieering
6.computers(i don't really know much in computers)
7.this is really the last resort, Ministry.
So much perssure is on me now, i'm beginning to feel it all over again. i know i have told to many of you that i already got a place in a University in Virginia in USA. But is only study probation. Which is good and bad at the same time. Cause the bad part first, which is i fail then i'm going to fly back here and everyone is going to step on me. (i know many of you won't). the Good, if i pass i will have bright future ahead of me. i will have many sholarships waiting and i will definitely have a great time there. BUT see there is a big BUT. BUT my parents want me to study here as like a study probation thingy and then transfer there. So my parents are making a big HUHA over it, ask the Uni in US to give a permission letter to study here and hopefully the credits are transferable. Another big HUHA is to study back into school again to get 5 credits again. which i'm like **** emo about it. What to do if i have only 4 credits. Sometime i just want to ***l *****f. If only, if only, if only.....stress la. Many say pray, yea pray, pray but no action also problem still there maybe just less. If God wants me to go US and study there, then the way there should be fine. If God wants me there, then i'll go. Life is hard. And hard gets going.
Sometimes i feel that my ******s should help me financially, don't need to pay all just help out. somtimes i wish education should come free where people are just willing to teach one and other.
like last time, where people just teach each other like internship. Like if you need to know how to repair shoes, so you go to a shoe maker, but in return you must teach something to the shoe maker, something that you know very well. I wish that education would be easy. Like if you want to study that course, is ok as long you have the money to pay the course, no need to look at your grades. If someone is instersted in something, he would study hard for it and i believe that person would make a differents in whatever department he studys on. The education system shouldn't look at your highschool grades in order for you to get into the course. it should be like from kindergarten to primary school to highschool to college to university. In the end we all going to work. So why from highschool to college, where people need to see your results whether you are good to study in this course. Is just plain BULLSHIT. Education is something that is easy for people to study.
i'm just stress la, hate this world, you can't even offer me anything back that is worth living. No, thank you for air you give me, in the end you just pollute it again. No, thanks for the water, in the end is also as much polluted. World you have nothing to offer me, Only one person can which is GOD. He is the only person i can only rely on. Only person i trust. Only person to have been so faithful to me. World you are just rubbish. You are not helping the people, is always you, you, you.
dieing here,
Friday, September 5, 2008
Lebron got own by a normal local person
David Kalb vs Lebron james
Yea now i know
David Kalb vs Lebron james
Yea now i know
Thursday, September 4, 2008
New Project
Hi all,
Planing to start a new art project soon. Hope will be cool. What i'm planing to do is use spray print and maybe a little of water paint. Going to use a big board. Colors? will be...haven't thought of it yet. maybe going for random colors. What i'm drawing? is something more abstract but inside the abstract there is a lot of thought behind it. So it will be something interesting. Hope it can be complicated but at the same time simple. hmm...challenging to the mind.
Planing to start a new art project soon. Hope will be cool. What i'm planing to do is use spray print and maybe a little of water paint. Going to use a big board. Colors? will be...haven't thought of it yet. maybe going for random colors. What i'm drawing? is something more abstract but inside the abstract there is a lot of thought behind it. So it will be something interesting. Hope it can be complicated but at the same time simple. hmm...challenging to the mind.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The Prefect Jump-Shot
is the most use in basketball
is the most power thing to a basketballer arsenal
It makes the differents
sometimes we just miss the shot.
that is just the other half of our percentage
Sometimes i train so hard,
and can do like 300-600 baskets in a roll
but in a game just can't perform
maybe is a lack of concentration
i can remember my school days
went i was like the go-to-person to give a clear lead.
where i use to make clutch plays.
the buzz beater.
all that is just zip by me these days
Well i think i need a coach again to keep me on track.
i can say this a jump-shot is not easy to train. is not like stand-down shot
there is a huge differents.
i guess is due to my training to dunk that causes my jump to be different
and makes my shot art differently also.
One of the best jump-shooters i have seen is my old school captain.
his jump is just amazing
And one NBA player i like is Allan Houston
he is just phenomenal of his jump-shot.
and yes of course you can not forget
Micheal Jordan
shot also unbelievable
well, i think for me is get back into my game.
if i'm going to play for my college and is NCAA level
i better train hard and be the best in what i can do
is the most power thing to a basketballer arsenal
It makes the differents

that is just the other half of our percentage
Sometimes i train so hard,
and can do like 300-600 baskets in a roll
but in a game just can't perform
maybe is a lack of concentration
i can remember my school days
went i was like the go-to-person to give a clear lead.
where i use to make clutch plays.
the buzz beater.
all that is just zip by me these days
Well i think i need a coach again to keep me on track.
i can say this a jump-shot is not easy to train. is not like stand-down shot
there is a huge differents.
i guess is due to my training to dunk that causes my jump to be different
and makes my shot art differently also.
One of the best jump-shooters i have seen is my old school captain.
his jump is just amazing
And one NBA player i like is Allan Houston
he is just phenomenal of his jump-shot.
and yes of course you can not forget
Micheal Jordan
shot also unbelievable
well, i think for me is get back into my game.
if i'm going to play for my college and is NCAA level
i better train hard and be the best in what i can do
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Gossip Girl Season 2?
Hey Upper-side Subang,
Looks like Serena, Dan, Chuck, Nate, Blair and others are back. Hmm....xoxo of bitching, back-stab, and love to fill up our time. Apparently the scene is different place. Season 2. DL now!!!!
Looks like Serena, Dan, Chuck, Nate, Blair and others are back. Hmm....xoxo of bitching, back-stab, and love to fill up our time. Apparently the scene is different place. Season 2. DL now!!!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
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